I have now retrieved the information for the departmental retreat this weekend. It was supposed to have arrived with a recent email, but evidently the email aspired to become a Jedi and was practicing the principle of non-attachment.
The Classic Trilogy Rewrite contest turns out to be voted for by poll now. This was mildly startling. (The entries, on Anakin's becoming one with the Force, are around
here if anybody is interested. The poll is linked near the end of the thread. Members of the TFN Forums are encouraged to read and vote for their favorite entry if they so desire. Don't worry, I won't huff at you if that's not mine. ;))
Random and somewhat useless product recommendation: I have a 3M Microfiber Electronics Cloth that works really well on my laptop monitor. Unfortunately, while 3M still makes microfiber electronics-cleaning cloths, I can't find any currently for sale that come in the neat little cylindrical storage tube. Oh, well.