Jun 07, 2007 19:25
So, today we finished the scientific part of the meeting and proceeded to the final banquet, at which I dismembered my first lobster. It was pretty good. I am informed that there are better lobsters, but that even a run-of-the-mill lobster generally isn't bad.
There's a dance, but it's a bit later. I'm debating whether I'm really up for dancing tonight. Might hide away and try to focus on writing.
I've been getting comments from a very dedicated and thoughtful reviewer on ff.net, some questioning my decisions and some praising them, but I really need to get busy writing and make sure to stay several chapters ahead, because I was already nervous about whether I'd let people down or respond too much to critique... I'd like to have things up on LJ a bit for the folks here to poke before they hit the archives.