(no subject)

Sep 05, 2009 14:12

So we're discussing an Israeli live performance of Dr. Horrible, and trying to mentally cast people we know as the leading roles ('tis a traditional fannish pastime and all). After trying for a long time to think of someone suitable to play Captain Hammer (a bunch of names came up, but they all either have the wrong body type, can't project the right attitude or are in England).

So I say, "How about a drag performance?" *thinks* "Imagine avgboojie as Captain Hammer."

Person who Shall Not Be Named: *doubles over laughing*

Me: What?

PwSNBN: Imagine Captain Hammer leering at Penny's breasts... And Penny leering at Captain Hammer's much bigger breasts...

Also. this is even funnier considering that ten minutes before, PwSNBN was trying to convince me I'd make a pretty decent Penny, so... Yeah.
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