Dream Journal. No symbol finding attempts, please.

May 31, 2007 23:14

For the past few days, in order to continue Writing Everyday This Summer, I have tried to keep a dream log.

It's been very interesting, to say the least.

Like most dreams, however, they usually prove to be more interesting to the dreamer than the dreamer's friends and family, who can't figure out what's so exciting about travelling through a raging river in a gravy boat. It's most interesting when the dream happens to you, I guess.

I wrote these pretty much as soon as I woke up, so most are pretty fragmented and odd, though I think they were that to start with. I doubt that they're deep and meaningful, they're just brain cobwebs.

[...] All my friends, past and present, were living in a house together, but none of them recognized me. At the end of the dream, my first best friend [from pre-k] came in with a girl I knew from college. I decided this may be my last chance [for someone to recognize me]. I abandoned S., with whom I was going out with for some reason, possibly to the beach, and began talking to my former best friend. I asked her if she had once lived in Iowa or if she recognize me or if she had ever had a friend with my name, but she smiled, looked at me funny, and shook her head every once in a while.

A young man keeps the love letters his father gave to his mother. He claims it is the most important connection he and his dad have and that all love derives from the same feelings. [...]


Ron Weasley from Harry Potter and Nanny Ogg from Discworld begin a starcrossed love affair that must be kept secret. Years later, the only evidence that Ron can find [as he isn't entirely sure it actually happened] is that Nanny worked for [his family] at one point. It was sweet in a very odd way.

Dreamed a piece of my hair got into a hamburger I was making. I tried to pull it out, but with no success. I finally put tomatoes on it to cover it up.

[...] I was able to get on the phone with Scott McCloud. I couldn't hear most of what he was saying, but it involved comics and great projects. [...] [T]he subject of Neil Gaiman came up, and I babbled on and on about him. Eventually, I said goodbye to McCloud and [told him] that I had to go, but he had already hung up a while ago. [...] I also dreamed about a weird version of demonqueen666's livejournal and how she asks if I have joined the French Foreign Legion or not. The background of her [new] site reminded me greatly of a picture machi_neko did with pink hearts in the background as a "wallpaper." It was very much not demonqueen666's style at all.

Weird fragments. Keeping a diary or maybe a sketchbook. Buying art supplies. A very incomplete night of sleep, too.

doggerel, dream journal, dreams, writing

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