Next Sunday, I'll pull into Wooster with a car piled high with crap for a new semester.
Things I am worried about:
1) Homework. Will I do it? I haven't done any real homework since last May. I had a bad track record in the last years of elementary school; I didn't complete very much. I know I'll procrastinate this year, but will I come through in the end?
2) ResLife is taking their sweet old time mailing out room assignments for everyone. I have to make sure I'm with the roommates and wonderful friends who have so kindly saved me a spot. Also, will I be charged for a single or a double?
3) Savings bonds. I have to put one of them into my checking account so I can pay for college. That will be done tomorrow, if I remember.
4) Packing. Easy enough. I just need to buy one or two things. Or actually use a suitcase, this year.
5) Finishing
machi_neko's book before I go back to school.
Things I am happy about:
1) Showering in a single bathroom with a lock. I am utterly spoiled for dorms.
2) Seeing The Curious Case of Bejamin Button last night with friends. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN.
3) BLT sandwiches.
4) Sleeping in for the umpteenth day in a row.
5) Staying up late, too.
The scales look about even, I think.