Meme Time!

Jul 07, 2007 21:05

From nanakibh:

1. What are your career plans?
Fiction writer. Definitely. I want to start publishing a bunch of short stories in literary and sci-fi magazine, at first. Then - if I'm well established - maybe I'll go into novel writing career. An extra bonus would be making enough money to quit any day job I may have then, allowing me to write full time. Otherwise, I've been trying to keep my options open: I would absolutely love to write comics, especially independent stuff that comes out from Vertigo and Dark Horse. Being on a writing team for a television show would be awesome, too, especially if it was something like a sci-fi, fantasy, or adventure series. If I ever end up writing for a soap opera, I would be more than a little depressed, possibly suicidal if the soap opera is really, really terrible. Working for a literary magazine or a publishing house would be okay, too, because that's where a lot of writers have started out, and I really want to write my own stuff one day. Journalism would be a good choice, but if I do that, I would love to be a critic and write movie and book reviews.

2. What do you really enjoy doing in your free time? Hobbies, etc?
My hobbies are pretty boring, though I once tried starting a perfume bottle collection which didn't really pan out. I try and read a lot, as I hear being well read helps with writing skills, and I'll read anything, from more classic books, like George Eliot's Silas Marner, to modern fantasy, like Holly Black's Tithe. I used to go to different libraries nearby and try to hunt down rare comics and books, even to a couple used bookstores when I would get desperate. I also enjoy my time on the Internet, watching anime, drawing and doodling in my sketchbooks, and listening to a weird collection of music. Friends are an added bonus, of course. Otherwise, like I mentioned, I love writing short stories and hope to get one published in a magazine by the time I'm out of college.

3. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?
Mmm, sometimes yes and sometimes no. While I believe in a general concept of true love, I'm sometimes a bit skeptical of movies where the main character will stop at nothing to be with their so-called soul mate. There's more than one potential person that you can end up loving, and it's not necessarily a mistake to let go of someone for whom you care deeply. Besides, true love is wonderful, but over-the-top romance can get a bit silly. I'm not adverse to the idea of having a passionate love affair, however, but I'm all right with a little dating now and then before I do something like, say, run off to Sweden with a sexy-strong-but-sensitive, rich and young poet/artist/motorcyclist/swimmer named Ivan. Not to say I want to. Cough.

4. Do you have any quirks or habits?
Tons. The biggest quirk I have right now is getting nervous over little things, but that's pretty common with a lot of people I know, and it mostly happens when I have to do something quickly for school, work, or my parental units. Mostly, I just worry, which I'm sure will tone down in the next few years to a more carefree attitude as my twenties quickly approach. Otherwise, when I'm not under any pressure, I'm happy and jumpy as a...thing that's happy and jumpy... Habits include doodling during important class lectures, biting my nails, eating chocolate-covered things that aren't very good for me, and putting off homework and essays in order to do more important things, like watch animated movies on YouTube and sleep. All pretty run-of-the-mill, honestly.

5. What's your daily routine like?
During the summer, it's pretty loose and, um, boring, but all right. I generally wake-up between ten and twelve on days where I don't have to go to work in the morning. I scribble some things down in my notebook after I groggily wake-up, just in case some sort of amazing epiphany comes to me in a dream, though it's usually something that turns out to be fairly weird to read later, mostly because I don't remember writing it. After getting breakfast/lunch, I generally spend the early afternoon watching tv in my pajamas. I get dressed around one or two if I don't have anything that day. Then I take the car, and do some "errands", like going to the drugstore, art store, bookstore, mall, Target, grocery store, bank, library, a friend's house, the movies, etc. I eat dinner around 5:30 or 6:00, and after playing on the computer for a bit, I walk my dog for about twenty to thirty minutes depending on what trashcans and lawns he wants to go out of his way to sniff and/or mark. My parents are firmly in bed by eight or nine, but I'm up and about until 3am, sometimes until 5 o'clock if I'm too antsy to sleep. This has lead to some weird situations, as my dad tends to automatically wake-up at 4:00. Once or twice we've bumped into each other in the hallway, and he's been like, "You haven't gone to bed yet, have you?" And I'll say no, and he'll laugh. The next day may or may not be similar, depending on what life altering activity may befall me. Otherwise, it's summer, so it's all a matter of lather, rinse, repeat.

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on...

dream journal, summer, memes, dreams, quizzes, writing

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