Feb 28, 2010 21:39
Just got back from a show in Atlanta a few hours ago. Mitch and Catherine came out and watched the show and I didn't get a whole lot of time to talk to them but it was great seeing them regardless. Things seem to be going really well for them. Hopefully we can hang out soon and properly catch up!
Enda Bannon officially arrives in Raleigh at 10:30pm on March 14th. I am just the slightest bit excited about this. He called me yesterday at my 3am (his 7pm) and said he was exhausted after a 70+ hour work week and was probably going to just go home and go to bed. "There's a street festival near my place," he said. "I may stop by but I'm just probably going to go home."
The next morning, when I woke up at 8am to head back from Atlanta to Raleigh, he called me (at his midnight for those of you playing along at home), he called and told me than en route to the festival, he ran into an Indian man who worked in the kitchen of the bar Enda manages. The Indian guy told him not to go to the street festival and follow him instead to a Hindu event. Apparently the event involved thousands of Indians and about twenty white dudes, one of whom was Enda, and everyone was covered in colored dust. When Enda called me he had just gotten home, red from head to toe. His roommates were sooo confused. "Where the hell have you been?" I swear, I am officially dating the Dad from Big Fish.
I'm enjoying some homemade veggie pizza with Chris and streaming Monty Python live from Netflix online. I've forgotten so much about the non-famous sketches these dudes did. And the ones I remember still have me in stitches. I will never, ever be able to watch the Silly Walks sketch without falling apart laughing.
I've been editing Author Asbury and I'm currently at page 300 of 1000 (I condensed it into a smaller font for printing purposes). It's amazing how many times I've repeated myself how many times I've repeated myself. I've definitely slashed page after page (one big red X drawn across the whole page) of useless material, which feels cathartic but strange, like getting a drastic haircut.
Oh--I wanted to add that Enda is moving in with me, but that Chris is not moving out. A lot of people have been asking what Chris is going to do when Enda moves in, and the answer is he's staying right where he is. He and Enda get along famously and I so love the idea of living with both of them. When Enda arrives, he'll be bringing nothing with him but what he can fit into a duffel bag, so we're going to do a lot of shopping (clothes, shoes, dresser, etc). I know what you're thinking, and yes, I gave him a Snuggie for Christmas, so he's got the essentials.
Life right now is busy and full and good.