of laundry come undone

Feb 19, 2008 03:11

I am brilliant.  In the sense that I R DUMB.

Just a few hours ago, I went downstairs to get the laundry.  I took the sheets from the dryer, folded them neatly, and set them on top.  Next I moved the clothes from the washer to the dryer, then turned the washing machine on again and added detergent for the next load.  I then proceeded to start pushing freshly clean sheets from the top of the dryer into the washing machine.  I got four in before realizing what I should be doing and that I hadn't set the next dirty load on top of the dryer, as I often do, and that I should be putting in clothes from the basket by my feet.  DUR.

If anyone has seen my brain tumbling about, please post it back to me.  I'll pay for the shipping.  It's been missing quite a while, and I'm just not doing well without it.

Baby Bear's sheets were among those now wet and soapy, and I hadn't washed his other set yet.  Of course this was well past when I should have put the kids in bed. I was a bit desperate when I remembered an extra set of Munchkin's sheets I just keep around for emergencies since she bled all over them once from a scrape on her leg and the stains didn't wash out.

So my sweet little boy is now sleeping in lavender sheets clutching his baby doll.  I think his purple My Little Pony might also be in there with him.  Take that, gender stereotypes.  I do find this a bit amusing, other than the gross bloodstains and the laundry mess that caused the situation.

But seriously, my brain.  I think it would help if I got more sleep.  Alas, I won't get it tonight.  My sweet little boy woke around midnight (perhaps he objects to the purple sheets?), and since a little light doesn't keep him from going back to sleep, I took Wally Lamb's She's Come Undone in with me when I went to lie down with him.  I've been reading it a little bit at a time between other books, but it was a bit boring at first, so despite having it checked out for a month so far, I hadn't made it very far.  Tonight it drew me in, so I read from page 70 to 217.  And now here I am at three in the morning.  Foolishness.  I think I've been swearing to quit reading in the evening since I was twelve or so, but somehow I just never seem to learn.
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