When I woke up this morning, I told to myself : I want to write something about the difference and to post it on LJ, it will make a change from quizzes and 'I'm-a-loser' posts. Of course, I’m not going to write a screed, I’m not good to write long an serious texts (hein, Nia ?). But, let’s try to explain the idea...in English.
A lot of people extol in their blog : I’m different. Different from the others, because of this, because of that, because this is like this.
Some say they have always been, almost born like that (the : Even-when-I-was-a-child-I-didn’t-play-with-the-other-children-and-stayed-alone-in-the-schoolyard-looking-at-them-having-fun-together-while-I-was-talking-to-my-imaginary-friend).
Some say they became different during a period of their life, an evolution (the : I-am-“ ”*-and-I-fuck-you-if-you-can’t-understand-and-if-you-don’t-like-my-blog-and-my-difference-move-along (is there a mobile phone language like in France used in English blogs ?)).
And there is my animation teacher :
“when I was having your age, I was Punk. With the crest, and everything !”
(The-I-was-hardly-defending-my-convictions-when-I-was-young, but now...)
But some people don’t like people who are different from them. Or are affirmating they actually are, that induce their difference make them stronger, superior, more intelligent because they don't fall in the society's trap, or at the contrary weaker, more vulnerable, neurotics, pitied wannabe. And to respond to them and explain those stupid pretentious are NOT different at all, they accuse them to be fashion victimes (where did I see this hair fringe before ?), or they use the human nature and its wonderful universality (we all have an heart, a flesh, a soul, and we all live together on this little stone, now send this message to 15 persons of your mailbox, and a magic cow from the future will come to see you and grant 3 wishes for you, but if you don’t the cow will burn your house).
And what about me ? This is MY blog, yes or not ? Well, I was often ALONE when I was a child, didn’t speak easily with the others, I’m still VERY different from some others and some society clichés for a LOT things but I don’t revendicate to belong to any movement, and of course, I’m an artist, conclusion : I’m MORE DIFFERENT and REBEL than most of the DIFFERENT and REBEL people of the world !
Yes, fear me, you can bow to me now.
And my dog will probably not be there anymore tomorrow.
Now, if you really have time to lose (and I sincerly hope you don't have, it would be poor taste), you can send this message to all your mailbox ; this will not keep my dog alive, but maybe a green chicken will come to give you on million dollars. Who knows.
* insert a movement name.