dont worry, The remote is found

Oct 11, 2004 20:15

so we spent a good 5 mintues searching for the remote today. we finaly found it in the trash can, i would have been suprised except i probably threw it away, i really wouldnt put it past myself.

did a whole bunch of chem tonight and played a whole bunch of guitar. its good, i am reaching a point where i can be called a beginner, not just a jackass with a guitar. summer is still the goal. the astros are about to win their first playoff series ever. 5 outs away. i have a paper to write tommorow and some owl to finish. hopefully after my run (which is a little doubtful) i will get strait to work. 4 outs away.

jeff is trying hard to get a ride to georgia. that is nice, a vacation would be nice, and it will be neat to see what his dad is developing. 3 outs away. pyschology is gonna be my priority tommowwor, but then again i am going to the store at 11, and ive got a math test on wednesday that i need to prep for. i think i can get a high A if i do it right. chem is the problem.

i found a $90 check in my wallet today. it was adressed to me a few months ago. by a lady that i have never heard of before. i will waste it on a pair of sunglasses. i have never had any and i think that some ray bans or something like that would seem resonable. a jacket is also needed. but that might take another found $90 to buy.

2 outs away.

i saw "the list" today, a list of attributes guys must have in order for a couple of my friends to date them. astros won! they seem very unattenable, but i like them. i dont know if i could make such a list of attributes that girls must have. i dont have that kind of will power. maybe some day. mabye some day.

push ups - 2 girl ones
nails - clipped
flexibility level - low
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