This has been a bad year for earthquakes. The geologic experts say there have been no more big ones than usual, but the big ones have been hitting populated areas with terrible frequency.
And this latest tragedy has hit Jyekundo, also known as Yushu, now officially part of Qinghai, China but also part of the historic Kham province of Tibet. It is full of small villages and ancient historic monasteries, all of them mostly built out of wood and mud bricks. Some of them have been completely destroyed. There are over a thousand dead, and that figure will no doubt rise much higher.
I refer those concerned to the
Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar page, the author of which promises to keep it continually updated. There are links there to donate money for relief. Some agencies are already working on the ground, though the Chinese government is apparently refusing to let more outsiders into the country.
I also encourage you to visit Khenpo Sherab Sangpo Rinpoche's
page on Facebook.