Title: Rainy Daaes and Rooftops (never get me down)
Category: Crossover-- Phantom of the Opera and V for Vendetta
Characters/Pairing: Evey/Christine
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Random Pairing Generator results in some AU femslash-y goodness!
Standing like John Wayne,
She is full frame, she is center stage.
My imagination is rattling in its cage...
It was ironic how she was the one hiding in the shadows now, but she couldn't help but be intrigued by the naked young woman on the roof. She stared at her standing stock still in the pouring rain, eyes closed, blonde hair plastered to her skin, letting the rain run down her face.
The tip of a tongue peeked out, slowly, and licked the water off of her lips. She closely watched the woman's face, and she's tasted the rain. Even from a distance she could see that she was savoring every drop, the way someone might when tasting an orange or strawberry for the first time. An image arose in her mind, unbidden, of this woman biting into the fruit, sucking it into her mouth, licking the juice the way she licked at the rain.
And then the woman danced. Began laughing with so much joy that the girl hidden in shadow gasped, marveling at the freedom in her movements. She jumped and twirled in looping circles, wiggling her fingers and beaming into night sky. She looked at her and could see everything she wished she could be. Or everything she could have been sometime in the past. The girl had the strange desire to paint her, capture her in the moment. And then suddenly the woman turned to her, and smiled. Held out her hand and wiggled her fingers. The girl's feet seemed to move of their own accord, and it was as if she were floating more than walking. She couldn't feel her bare feet touch the ground, and once again, she was absolutely mesmerized.
"Who are you?" The words escaped in almost a gasp.
"Eve," she said very gently. "Because I am the first woman. I am the last woman, and I am you, and every woman who has ever breathed and loved and felt pain."
"You were dancing. You looked so happy, so free."
"Don't mistake happiness for freedom." Her voice grew more serious. "Happiness is only a temporary pleasure. Freedom is something that ought to be treasured."
The girl's face became just as serious, guarded. "I don't like to be spoken to in riddles."
"Neither did I." A smile. "I knew a man once who spoke in riddles, and he also was everyone who's ever lived. And now I'm what's left."
She didn't quite know what to say to that. Floundered a bit. "My name is Christine. I suppose it's not as eloquent."
"Christine. How lovely."
"You're lovely." The words had spilled out before she even realized she was speaking, and she blushed fiercely. "I meant-" Eve laughed softly and placed a finger over her mouth. Christine opened her lips just slightly, not quite taking the finger between them. Only teasing, only pretending that she might. It caught the woman off guard, and something--curiosity, perhaps--passed across her face.
"How does the rain make you feel, Christine?"
She looked up. "I had forgotten it was raining."
"You're soaking. Can you feel it?"
"I don't know." She nearly choked. "I haven't felt anything in such a long time."
And the sudden look that the woman gave her was so sympathetic, so very understanding. She put a hand on her shoulder and turned her around. Wordlessly her fingers moved to undo the back of her dress. Christine relaxed and gave her control as she carefully slid it off her shoulders, taking her arms out of the sleeves. Slowly removed her undergarments piece by piece until she was bare, and turned her back to face her again.
"Close your eyes."
"No." She looked her in the eye, stern, but Eve stood still and merely waited. Resigned, they finally closed.
"What can you feel?"
"Nothing. I can't feel anything."
After a moment, Eve took Christine's hand and placed it over her breast, over her heartbeat, and placed her own next to it. "You're alive, Christine. So much more alive than you think you are. Take a breath." She inhaled, slowly, felt the brush of air over her tongue, felt her lungs expand. Eve stepped closer and paused before speaking again. "What do you feel?"
"Ohh! It's warm. The rain I mean, it isn't cold at all. I hadn't noticed."
"What else?"
"I feel--" Breath against my cheek, a hand against my breast, fingers next to mine, toes touching mine-- "I feel like..."
Eve whispered "Like an angel?"
"No." She said firmly. "Nothing like an angel." She opened her eyes and smiled. "Eve, I feel so very wicked!"
And in one swift movement she took the other woman's face in her hand and kissed her. She gave a small gasp in surprise but quickly returned it, gave a sigh as she sucked at her bottom lip, moved her hand to stroke the back of her neck. They kissed with such gentle desperation, and Christine finally understood. She pulled back slightly and looked deep into her eyes.
"You've been alone for such a long time, haven't you? Just as alone as I've been."
"You have no idea."
And the women embraced again, passionate this time, arms grabbing wildly and pulling each other close. Their kiss deepened and they lost themselves in the heavy rain, the sound of distant thunder, the water running down between their naked bodies. A hand moved slowly down over Eve's ribs, began grazing her thigh, and she pulled back and took Christine's by the arm.
"Not here," she said quietly. "Come with me."
She smiled. "Do you like music, Christine?"
Just tell me if you like me
Tell me what you're gonna do,
Now that your free!
-Comments are &hearts
-Criticism is even better!