History Students at Centrestage

Oct 09, 2010 16:13

Hi to all History/Social Studies students,

You’re invited to a unique event where your views, experiences and feelings matter - where you are at centrestage.

We invite you to submit short notes - through email or Facebook; and they can be written or visual, or comprise photographs or video clips - on your views and experiences in learning history.

Your views matter - we are seeking thoughtful and creative responses. Selected notes will be discussed at the Students at Centrestage Seminar (see below for details).

Some things to get your thoughts going:

1.         The Historian’s Way: in learning history, do you work and think like a historian?

2.         The Experience: what learning activities work for you, and which activities don’t?

3.         Values and Lessons: what values and lessons does history provide us?

4.         Problems and Frustrations: are you frustrated by problems such as language, concepts, sources, comparison etc? How can learning history be more fun and meaningful?

5.         The Future: will you take history in your next school or in university?

Students at Centrestage: A Seminar on Learning History in Singapore

Presented by the Singapore Heritage Society

9 am-1 pm, Saturday, 27 November 2010

Possibility Room, 5th Level, National Library Building

You can register for the seminar at:


The event is free and seating is on a FCFS basis.


Dr Loh Kah Seng, lkshis@gmail.com

Ms Candice Alexis Seet, candice.seet@gmail.com

Ms Junaidah Jaffar, jun.jaffar@gmail.com

Ms Lee Si Wei, witchcraftz@yahoo.com

Founded in 1986, the Singapore Heritage Society is a non-profit, non-government organisation and registered charity. The Society is dedicated to the preservation, transmission and promotion of Singapore’s history, heritage and identity. 
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