The Following Rant Brought to You by McCain 2008

Oct 11, 2008 17:40

Well, having finally heard enough about the utter stupidity of Sarah Palin, and also having made an executive decision that Barack Obama is not the personal messenger boy of the Communist Party, tho he is a tad too liberal for my taste (actually they both are a tad too liberal for my taste, considering my more libertarian* anarchistic political views) I am now supporting the Obama campaign because I don't want the crazy whacko fundie nutjobs that make up the neo-conservative movement to elect our Holy Emperor of the Great United Theocracy George W. Bush Jr. and his Empress Sarah Palin.

Beyond the fact that her church is a member of the Third Wave movement and probably actively plotting to overthrow and subvert the government, if only by magical means, and beyond the fact that she was personally blessed by a Witch Hunter, she's also a complete utter dingleberry who cannot open her mouth without spouting lies.  Now anyone who credits her rise to power to Jesus is most certainly going to respect the Establishment Clause and most certainly respect the religious diversity that is the United States of America.  Most Assuredly Not.  Is the crazy white woman going to help McCain run the country further into the ground like their forbears have done?  Most Likely.  Personally, I rather like the idea of electing a woman, shows we might actually have some of that equality we purport to have in this country, but as Phaedra Bonewits points out in her blog, I don't like the Republicans throwing out the token woman candidate.

On a related note (since I pretty openly believe that the Republican Party is being run by the Conservative Christian Lunatic Fringe), I have been (perhaps fairly) accused of being a tad unkind (albeit indirectly) to all the Non-Nutty Christians (however few or many of those there may be) by using the blanket term Christian for all the religiously inspired idiocy I see everywhere these days.

Since I like the mild bit of legally enforced tolerance my religion gets in this country, I have the following to say:   I can and do respect the right of people to believe and act however they see fit, so long as they respect my right to consider their religion a load of hogwash that has been distorted by self-righteous, power hungry twits who distort the teachings of the Nice Man from Nazareth who said such ghastly things like "Love thy neighbor" and "Blessed are the Poor in Spirit", but who listens to the man anyway these days.

Anyway, I would like to issue a blanket apology to any sane, rational person who follows the Teachings of Christ who I may have inadvertently offended, as well as all Jews, Muslims, Buddhists (Buddha totally rocked anyway), Hindus, Wiccans, or any other religion I tend to jokingly mock.  Hey I mock my own religion, so do they think that they're going to be left out?

*Now I had to remove Libertarian from my political views due to the fact that their leader is a raving, fundie looney.

obama, election 2008, religion, palin, fundies

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