Title: Sex, lies and Rita Skeeter.
tree_and_leafCharacters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hagrid.
Rating: G
Word Count: 500
'Summery' it's based on: Cliched plot, Harry and Draco meet at a party, they drink, they sex.
Summary: Harry is trying to do Ernie Macmillan a favour, and avoid Hagrid's latest experiment. Draco just wants to party - sort of.
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Comments 17
And thank you for generously over-looking the failure to provide enough cliche...
Awwww - lovely!
Poor Draco - if an evening sexing Hagrid's experiments is the most fun he's had in ages...
Great stuff!
poor Draco Yes - of course he's sloshed, which probably makes it more fun... (He had been adding liberal amounts of firewhisky to his own punch: Ernie made it using elf-made-wine donated by Susan Bones, who doesn't drink much and therefore thinks wine is actually meant to taste like glycol.) I had a line explaining that although the Order knew Draco had changed sides and Harry had vouched for him before the Wizengamot post-war, he had been left under something of a cloud, but I chopped it due to space considerations. But I think the line speaks for itself...
"This is my first published HP fanfic"
That had better mean "first of many," that was So adorable
*ded from the inventiveness* :D
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