Title: Children
Author: Kayla
Word Count: 100
Prompt: “A story about torture, ooc and CHILDREN. They are the cause of everything.”
“What on earth are you doing?” Remus stepped into the Potion’s room to find Severus Snape laughing, his quill scratching loudly as he wrote.
“Writing.” Severus Snape hunched over the parchment on the desk.
“Writing what?” Remus was unable to hide his curiosity.
“A story,” Severus explained, guarding it. Coming from around him, Remus snatched the parchment off the desk.
“Children, the cause of everything,” Remus read, setting down the “story” on the desk. “Severus, you are overly dramatic. You need to get out more.”
“You would think that,” Severus said, and continued writing, laughing to himself as he finished.
Title: Peace
Author: Kayla
Word Count: 200
Prompt: “Weird, ooc oneshot that I wrote while waiting for my dad to get out of the loo so I could use it. Harry wants Voldemort to get out of the shower because he needs to pee. Strangeness insues”
The Dark Lord sighed as the whining teenager called his name. Leaning against the cool tile of the shower, he cringed. “What is it Potter?”
“Get outta the shower! I gotta go to the bathroom!”
Sometimes, Voldemort swore that child was mental. “I’ll be out in a moment. Potter, you can use the bathroom while I’m in here. I don’t mind, honestly.”
Voldemort cringed, afraid to ask for an elaboration. Honestly, if that brat used their shower for anything but showering...it was too disgusting of a thought to even manage. “IN A MINUTE POTTER!” he bellowed. “YOU KNOW YOU CAN WAIT!”
Five seconds later, it came again. “VOLDIE!!!! I CAN’T HOLD IT ANY LONGER!”
Voldemort reached an arm outside the shower, griping about for his wand. “That’s it Potter!” he hissed. “Avada Kedavra!”
The door blast down, and at last, Voldemort found himself taking a shower in total peace. He sighed, thinking about Potter’s last minutes of life.
Of course the peace didn’t last long, as he began to wonder exactly where Potter went to the bathroom. Disgusted, he exited the bathroom, stepping over Potter’s dead body.