May 24, 2006 19:30
today was the AP conference. women's baseball lady was slightly boring. African-american baseball guy was a better speaker. idk, i'm just not really into baseball, that would be why i was kinda like, "okay, great."
that reminds me; i should probably expand on my answers to those AP questions. anyway, panal session was okay. would have been cool if i was presenting. but, yeah. Title IX people weren't that great. women's baseball girls read off their paper and it was too scripted. danielle, graceann, and yvette did really well, though, with their "gender-specific toys" presentation. i was impressed.
lunch was kinda boring. i went to gromatsky to gte a signature for DECA application, ran into christina who was the only one in class, found out gromatsky was absent, got my lunch from my lcoker, went to the hill ion front of the school, went to business officer, lofrese signed the application, handed in application, went back outside, went inside to school store w/ sameer, went back outside, then back inside, back outside again, then back in to go to closing session.
closing session went on a bit too long. martial arts guys tried too hard to bring the whole sulture thing into it, but it was cool to watch. brazilian people didn't seem to have a point. they were just like doing cartwheels and kicks and stuff. it was funny to watch all the kids doing it, though. but that went on a bit too long.
after AP conference, went to mt pleasent, tought 2nd graders about unit production and assemply line production. got them muchkins and they all were excited and said "thank you" and it made me feel good. lamafa's my official driver now, b/c there's no other way for me to get over there and he's doing it w/ me. so he had to stop at uncle giuseppi's to get like ham for his sandwhich tommorow for lunch. sure?
on the way back to school, we stopped at a stoplight and alena's sister like waved to me, and i didn't know it was her b/c i didnt have my glasses on or whatever, so i turned to lamafa and i was like, "who's she?" and then i was stairing at her for a bit, then as we started to move i was like, "ooo, that's alana's sister." i feel bad b/c i never say hi to alana and she thinks i don't like her. but, it's one of those things where i dont know if i should say hi or not b/c i don't know her that well.
that reminds me; i never know if i should aknowledge the track seniors. like, shawn krieger was at the LIBEC lunchin the other day and he was sitrting at my table so i didnt really know what to say to him b/c i know who he is and he knows who i am, but i never actuially had a conversation with him. so it was kind of odd. i asked him if he was done w/ track. and he asked me. and then said something other stuff that i forget.
anyway, i'm hoping that something i want to do tomorow works out. but, chances are it won't b/c stuff like that never does. but, i'm crossing my fingers.
alright, peace out.