
Jan 11, 2025 12:49

Did yoga before bed, which maybe helped with sleeping the whole night. Woke up at 8am, the sun was shining through the skylight and Marie was quietly watching me, ready to wake up but being polite.

Somehow it's 12:38 now. I drank some coffee, got her breakfast, played toys with her a little. Did a workout with my little 2lb weights, need to get heavier ones. Washed my hair in the shower, had avocado toast but dropped half the avocado so the other toast was cinnamon raisin vegan cream cheese with raisins on top. Made plans to get brunch tomorrow. Took Marie on a walk, finished my makeup. Bam, it's past noon.

In a minute, I will go out to the dumpster where someone kindly left their little bookshelf and I will procure it for my own! I've been wanting one and looking in the thrift stores for a few weeks. I hope it will still be there, it seemed a little heavy but I am strong, I'll make it work. Still have to get rid of the mattress M left. I have left it because Marie loves playing and jumping on it. But I have a little chair/bed thing coming for her in the mail soon and I will swap them out. Had to also order her more canned/wet food because the one I bought has been postponed day after day due to the fires in CA and if it does finally make it here, it will have gone bad because it requires staying frozen with the ice pack in the box. I'll have to sort that out at some point, I hope they will consider refunding me because that stuff is expensive.

Now I have to clean the kitchen, do laundry, and vacuum. Might go see Nosferatu at the little arthouse theater I like. I feel like every day is so full of things I need to do including things for my wellbeing like seeing a friend or trying to have fun, that I don't get the time to write my book. I want to get that worked out ASAP. Maybe I will find the time today or tomorrow. I will also need to take Marie somewhere, for her mental well being, this weekend.

I also need to repot and clean my plants. I'd love to take mushrooms and do that and paint and write all day, but there's too much to be done. Marie would have to be already taken care of and tired out. I don't need anything from Home Depot, we've been to the thrift stores often, the coffee shop was just on Wednesday. I need to find more places to take her!

I wish I had a partner to help. I wish I had some help in life. Someone to watch her while I go to the movies so I don't feel bad about being gone. Someone to take turns cleaning the kitchen. Or to help me get a washer and dryer so that laundry doesn't take all day once a week. Someone to care that I exist.

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