Okay, I know, I know, I never update this thing. Well, I have an excuse TO update it now. To keep everyone informed of my NaNoWriMo progress.
It is Day 2 of NaNoWriMo and I just started writing. Why am I doing this again? How the hell am I supposed to finish when I am so lazy.
As crazy as it is, I am actually doing this so I force myself to write something. This isn't the opponent and will probably be a load of fluff but whatever. Maybe this will put me in the habit of actually sitting in from of my computer and working on something.
This week is starting off soooo busy, I am now worried that I will not finish 50000 words by the 30th. Actually, I was worried about that before too. Here is my sad word count.
887 / 50000 words. 2% done!
Lord save my soul.