1. Where do you see yourself 18 years from now?
Hmm. Well, I'll be 36...probably still single with no kids (I don't understand the appeal of little children), but with several cats and reptiles. Career-wise, I have no idea what I'll be doing; I'm hoping that I "get some direction" in college as to what the heck I want to do with my life. *grumbles* If Mom has her way, I'll be a lawyer. Mrr.
2. If you were to save the world from some unstated catastrophe, what would your weapons be?
Furry Girl, the superhero alterego of my cat Mitzi! :P
3. What is this unstated catastrophe?
Uh...widgets attempting to take over the world?
4. What is _not_ the meaning of life?
The IB program, which tends to dominate your life until the day you graduate.
5. Mmm... either calculate the period (physics :D) for the tail of your gecko icon or... Tell me how you update your journal... I'm perplexed by the lack of anything under "Clients used:" in your userinfo.
Ahhhhh! No more physics! *cowers in fear* As for how I update my journal, I just go directly to the LiveJournal site and click on "Update Journal."
I should point out that I mainly use this LJ to comment on other people's posts and to write up silly results to every week's
Friday Five. However, my main blog (Snowball Effect) is