Jun 28, 2004 14:55
The thing about life journals is that everyone writes uniquely in them. Some people are creative literary genius while people like me write the way they think. I don't really care what anyone thinks about me yet at the same time that is all that matters? My witting is jumbled and rushed just like my thought if only I could sort that out I am sure I would be better off but I don't believe it easy to change your mind set and it would take something life changing to change it permanently. Don't ask my why I am even witting this, partially out of boredom, and dashboard makes me sad and inspired. Summer ticks away and so does my life soon I will be gone and will I have even mattered? Will any of us ever matter? God seems to be this cruel none existent figment of our imagination; yet he seems so real. Drugs are an escape from a meaningless existent, an attempt to be normal. Except by doing them and trying to be normal you become and outcast. If what you do to become normal makes you odd, what is normal. If I could re-write and definition I would re-write normal. It would read Normal- A essential and most natural aspect of a particular human. While others strive to be normal others strive to be different but as they strive to be different they are really striving to be normal and accepted in a different caste seeing as they don't fit into the mainstream. Here I sit finding my self just not caring I don't want to be classified as Prep, Punk, Pot Head, Loser, Emo, Grunge, Weird, Drama, Metro, Ghetto. I don't want to be classified. Classifying someone simply overshadows their true essence and their mainstream qualities are immensely evident. Drones we seem to be, maybe that is what we are drones. I wish I had some proof that people could think freely without and interference, yet I don't want to see what would come of that......My jabbering is over!!