Jul 01, 2010 23:20

Happy 19th Birthday to me >_< (For one more hour, here in Aus.)

Day was nothing special, which was good, that's what I wanted. In fact, the most important presents are the ones I'm getting/doing for myself. So in celebration of my 18th year being over, I'm doing the following things...

Nanowrimo - I'm promising myself that I WILL do this.
Day zero/Mission 101 - Account is made, list is nearly finalised, look out for a sticky entry of my list soon
WIP table - I'm going to sort through all my fic ideas and stories that were never finished and make a table. I will get these done, even if it's the death of me.
Fic list - as the name suggests, I'm going to make up a fic list sitcky entry. Not because I'm obnoxous but because I want to keep track of them.
Paid account - EVENTUALLY when I actually get enough money. I will buy myself this. Ultimate gift.

And, of course because over the past few days evil_kingdom , ftw302 and myself have all had birthdays, some of the dazzling and lovely ladies from the wonderful BTN wrote an abundance of glorious giftfic for us all.

Ftw’s drawings - Dan/Jones comfortingness XD
Even more <3
Lolly - Laundry Day
Not the Marrying Type
Rev - Intermission
Thickets - The Logistics of Bumming While Wearing Casts
Thirsty - I'll Learn Eventually

And of course, why not include a little self-pimping eh?
Follow Me Home
Pink, Frills and Hearts

Enjoy :D I know I have<3 Each and every piece has been amazing, whether it was for myself or one of the other girls. Sadly though... No glasses!Jones has been written -_-' I'm looking at you Thickets!

friends(l), bday/gift fic, pimping, flist(l)

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