Title: Days of Wine and Roses
Word Count: 100
Genre: FPS
Characters/Pairing: It's a bit of a surprise >.< which I hate myself for but I feel like it might lose some it's specialness if I give it away. Never fear, all shall be revealed at the end.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None, except for a very loose interpretation of the title/prompt. My apologies.
Disclaimer: Don't own them and sadly never will. No profit - all for fun.
Author's Comments: Second submission for
boosh_shorts Challenge 13: Films I tried out something new for me this time, let's see if it worked or not.
The sun is still sleeping when he takes the familiar route to work.
His worn boots travel the same path down the corridors.
He pours his morning brew into the old, faded mug.
Inside the room, he’s met with the calming chilly air and faint glowing lights - just the same as always.
Only today there’s a change in the room; someone new. Brown wisps of curls, thick moustache and slightly tanned complexion. He’s so far from his usual type yet the breath is still knocked from him.
Today is different than yesterday and Richmond knows his days will soon change.