I...wish I understood this place more. The possibilities it offers, in any case. While I haven't exactly given up on trying to see a pattern in the experiments, the next big focus is discovering if the worlds all of the New Feathers and the residents here are arriving from are connected by pathways. Like the paths between our set of worlds...is it possible that there are further paths we didn't know of?
Another thing; it seems as though another experiment should be coming up sometime soon. Albert mentioned an event that happened last year around Valentine's Day, and judging by the fact that other experiments have occurred around holidays (such as Halloween and Christmas), I wouldn't be surprised.
The problem is, there's no way of actually finding out what it is. Maybe it will be a repeat like the last ones were? It's a lot more satisfying to speak with people who have been here for several months than to guess all on my own. At least with that additional information I can form theories that have a chance of working.
But I digress; maybe I'm just putting too much emphasis on all of this. I've done what I could in the past few days, maybe it's time to just...relax? No, that's not going to help.
However, I'm overrun by obscure theories and wandering thoughts. I need to regroup and organize the information I have into a reliable source I can refer to.
My main concern right now is the question of why certain people are here but others are not. More members of the fallen Organization have arrived, but why only some and not others? Though that's one thing to be grateful for in a sense. And Kairi's here as of recently...
...but what about Naminé? Why did I get the chance to be separated again but she didn't? Why did she disappear so long ago? Axel returned...I'm grateful for that, of course (we're best friends...) but why hasn't Naminé returned?
Maybe that's good though; it wouldn't exactly be fair to drag her into this mess too. Though Luceti's been more of a home to me than any other world. Twilight Town...it wasn't real. And Never Was...well, never was. Here at least, despite how torturous the experiments can be, I have my own life and my own memories.
This thing about people coming and going just like that, it's strange. Axel's here...Naminé's not.
Thinking of you wherever you are.
The snow's starting to melt. Spring must be soon? Can't wait.
Riku, um...when you're not busy I need to talk to you. Just do it.