I feel like Mark Zuckerberg

Mar 27, 2011 03:30

Livejournaling drunk. That's a lie, I'm not drunk. Just a little buzzed. Again.

I've done some learning this weekend.  Let's do this chronologically, and in sparknotes, because when i originall wrote this it was mad long.

Friday, I went out and danced with some of the best swing dancers on the East Coast.  It was a truly wonderful experience.  The swing club and dance ensemble went as a group, and as such I was with some of the people at this school that I love and respect the most.  We went and got to the club, and I danced, and it was one of the best experiences of my life as concerns dance. Also, someone recognized me from the last time I went out dancing, at a different club. It made me happy.
First learning experience- Turns out I can Lindy, Blues, East-coast and Charleston to the same song with the same lead during the same dance if he's good enough.

Second, I put on a good show- audiences formed and applause happened while I was dancing. The women said it was the best experience of their lives, the men just felt horribly inadequate.

On the way back, the owner of the car (one of my favorite people in the world as it happens) designated a driver and sat in the back with us, and pulled out a nalgene of vodka and started drinking it and passing it around. I drank quite a bit and it was delicious.

Third learning experience- hearing so much about that person as he drank more and more.

Fourth, learning that I can hold my liquor like a champ. I walked back to my dorm in a straight line and was able to speak and not wobble and everything.

Fifth learning experience- I can get out of trouble by barefacing and complying.

Fast forward. Tonight. Saw Limitless. It was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. We went out after, hence my current state (rapidly fading, mostly gone actually).

Sixth learning experience- Vices and Virtues. Been playing that nonstop since Tuesday- slowly introducing my friends to it. Successfully.

It makes me laugh that one of the vlogbrothers chose this weekend to make a video drunk. It parallels my life nicely.

That will be all. DFTBA.

PS, I don't have any issues with alcohol. It's just a new thing for me. That's one reason  why I love my school-it's always free! ;D

ahahahaha, technically secret, real-world weirdness, happy happy joy joy, i'm a dancing fool, :d, irl fun, school crap, really!, dftba

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