Apr 08, 2007 17:59

Who: Rukia and Ichigo
When: Yesterday-ish
Where: Ichigo's house
What: SUPERANGST and Hollow!Ichigo. Rukia and Ichigo break up and it's not pretty.

This log is composed of Creepy and Amazing.

Ichigo returned home from his walk, just as upset as he had been when he left. He kept trying to tell himself that he must have been mistaken, that Rukia would never back stab him like this, but the more he thought about it, the more it all made sense. All the weird tension he sensed between Rukia and Kaien before he went back to Hueco Mundo, all of Rukia's strange behavior leading up to her departure, and the way she reacted (or didn't react rather) when he finally told her how he really felt about her. The pieces were finally fitting together and he realized that he couldn't do it anymore. It tore him up inside, but he knew what he had to do.

He opened the front door of his house and walked in, keeping an ear out for Rukia.

Rukia was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching a Disney Movie and giggling when she heard the door open. Isshin and the girls were off visiting their grandparents today, so there could only be one person coming home.

"You're home late today," she said, looking over from the television, but smiling nonetheless.

Ichigo turned and saw Rukia sitting on the couch, and he felt his insides turn to stone. He saw her smiling at him and he felt sickened, knowing what she'd done and how she was keeping it from him, pretending that everything was fine. He was completely at a loss.

"What are you standing there for, you idiot?" Rukia rolled her eyes at him. "Come inside. I warmed up the dinner Yuzu-chan left in the refrigerator. It's going to get cold."

Ichigo stared at her in utter disbelief. There wasn't a trace of guilt or shame in her voice; she was acting as though nothing were any different than ever. She doesn't think I know, he thought, and she's trying to keep it that way. I wonder how long she's been keeping this up. It made him sick just thinking about it. He closed the door behind him and took a deep breath.

"It's over Rukia,"

Rukia looked confused, but her voice stalled in her throat as she saw the look in Ichigo's face. What was going on?

"O...ver? What the hell are you talking about, Ichigo?"

Ichigo heard her voice break and it felt like an icicle through his heart. He swallowed hard and stared at his feet, clenching his fists to keep his hands from shaking.

"I'm talking about you and me Rukia. We....can't be together anymore. It's over."

It took Rukia a minute to process what he had said. Surely he was just joking?

"Ha ha, Ichigo. But the April fooly thing was yesterday," she said, trying to keep her voice steady.

"I'm not kidding Rukia, I mean it, we're done!" he said, suddenly furious at her. How dare she think he would joke about something like this. He looked up at her and glared, feeling his anger flow through him like poison.

Rukia took in a deep, shaky breath, realizing that Ichigo was being serious.

"I-I see," she said, trying to remain calm. She turned off the television and stood, looking Ichigo straight in the eyes, fists balled tight. "Are you going to tell me why or do I need to guess?"

"Don't try and pull this with me Rukia, you know damn well why." he shouted, bearing his teeth.

"I'm not a mindreader, you idiot," Rukia said angrily as she took steps forward and grabbed Ichigo's shirt to pull him down to her level. "If you have something to say, then say it."

He grabbed her hands, a little harder than he should have, and pulled them off his shirt, shoving them down to her sides.

"I don't have anything else to say to you," he whipped around and started climbing the stairs.

Rukia winced as Ichigo shoved her away.

She stood there for a moment, stunned. There was a gnawing feeling in her stomach. That maybe she knew what had happened. That maybe she had always known because she had always expected him to find out.

She shook her head and forced herself up the stairs after him.

"Now that's really mature!" she called after him. "Damnit, Ichigo! Will you stop running every time you have a problem and just tell me what the hell is wrong with you? Or me? Or us? I'm not a mind reader as I keep telling you!"

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" he screamed, stopping at the top of the staircase and tearing at his hair. He let out a strangled yell and fell to his knees, panting heavily.

Rukia watched with growing horror as Ichigo tore at his hair. There was something not right here. Something....what the hell was going on?

"Ichigo!" She ran up the stairs as he fell to his knees. "What is wrong with you?"

"GET- AWAY FROM ME!" he gasped, his voice fluctuating between his own and different, higher pitched voice. After a few moments of labored breathing, he stopped struggling and became very still. Slowly he lifted his head to look at Rukia, but his eyes had turned a strange goldish color.

"R-rukia?" he asked in that same horrible voice that wasn't quite his own.

Rukia stumbled back down a few stairs, looking at Ichigo with wide eyes. Something wasn't....something wasn't right.

"I-Ichigo?" She asked in a highly strained voice. "What are--"

She was in her gigai. Her zanpakutou wasn't with her in this form. Damnit. Rukia stared at the horrible gold eyes and tried to keep the fear out of her own.

Ichigo stared at Rukia for a moment before he realized with a shock that he wasn't in complete control of his body. The Hollow within him, that he’d been training so hard to suppress, was taking over. Still on his knees, he started leaning down towards her, arms outstretched, a sinister grin slowly creeping across his face.

Rukia took a step down. And then another. A horrible sensation in the pit of her stomach told her that this wasn't an altogether unfamiliar experience. That maybe she had seen something like this happen before. Nightmares from her past flashed through her mind. A distant memory of one who looked just like Ichigo, or maybe it was vice versa. The leering smile, the colored eyes. The reflection of a loved one in the eyes of a growing monster.

"N-not again."

Ichigo's grin grew wider and more twisted as he rose to his feet and followed her slowly down the stairs. He began to laugh, softly at first but gradually growing in volume until he was cackling malevolently. As his body acted on its own, Ichigo screaming inside his own head to stop this, but he was powerless against the evil that was taking hold of him.

"Not again, Rukia-chan?" he asked tauntingly, moving in closer, towering menacingly over her. "You sound like this has happened to you before." he lunged forward and grabbed her wrists, pulling her roughly against him.

"Awww, poor, poor Rukia-chan, you're so tortured!" he sneered. "No one in the entire world could ever compete with your suffering!"

Rukia's heart stopped as Ichigo--no, that...thing grabbed her wrist and pulled her roughly against him. The soul candy. She usually kept it with her, but this one time she didn't-- And she needed her zanpakutou and her powers, but she was trapped in her gigai. Helpless against...whatever it was possessing Ichigo.

"G-Get away from me, you bastard," she managed to say although the fear of the monster's leering and closeness was nearly suffocating her. "Wh-what have you done with Ichigo?"

"Tsk, tsk, you should know better than to blame others for your offenses, Rukia-chan," he slid a hand up her neck to her face, tangling his fingers in her hair and pulling her face up close to his.

"It's not what I've done to Ichigo, it's what you've done," he whispered, staring intently into her eyes. "I should really thank you, I may never have been able to overpower him if you weren't such a slu-" before this last word left his lips, Ichigo gasped and let go of Rukia, recoiling from her as though he'd been electrocuted. He spun himself around and tried to run back up the stairs, tipping and stumbling as he went. All he knew was that he needed to get away from Rukia before he lost control of himself again.

Rukia bit back the bile and emotions as they rose in her throat. The fear, the guilt, the crawling on her skin from seeing those horrible yellow eyes on her, from feeling those cold white hands on her skin-- But now was not the time to indulge herself. She was a shinigami with duties first and a person with feelings second. If Ichigo was overtaken by a Hollow-- Well. She shivered away old memories. Old promises. Old blood staining her skin.

She ran up the stairs after him.

Ichigo could feel himself going in and out of control, every step was a battle with the monster inside of him. He heard Rukia follow him and he panicked, knowing he couldn't trust himself not to hurt her. In spite of everything, he knew that he'd never forgive himself if something happened to her.

"DON'T!" he cried, gripping his hair again, struggling to get away from her. "DON'T GET NEAR ME!"

Rukia stopped a few steps from Ichigo as he screamed at her to stay away.

But hell if she was going to let that stop her.

"I'm not leaving you to fight this thing alone!" she returned and dared to approach him once again.

Ichigo realized that Rukia wasn't going to leave him on her own, and as he felt his grip on himself slipping, he knew he had to do something drastic. He turned and slammed Rukia hard against the wall by her shoulders.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" he screamed before running into his room and slamming the door.

Rukia had no time to react before she felt Ichigo slamming her against the wall. A sharp pain went through her right arm as the soreness from the injury in the fight with Ulquiorra flared up with a vengeance.

"Ichigo--" she began, but it was hopeless. Whatever had possessed Ichigo--whatever it was that was causing him to change like that was volatile and hostile.

Clutching her arm and fighting back hurt and tears, Rukia stumbled down the stairs and out of the Kurosaki house, refraining from looking back to see the person she cared about most becoming a monster. Again.

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