Jan 24, 2007 23:44
So I've been in a pretty shitty mood lately but I can't quite put my finger on why. Maybe it has something to do with the wind, and how it sounds like it's saying stuff but it's actually just air and not really saying what you wanna hear, even though you've asked it A THOUSAND TIMES what's wrong and it keeps refusing to address the real issue. Or maybe it's not the wind at all, but a car driving past that creates a gust of air and you could have sworn it was actually the wind but you were just mistaken and then what? You still felt that air and thought it was wind, and you feel what you feel, you can't change that no matter how many times someone says "it was just a car, you're imagining things! Everything is fine!" cuz you're still all like "No! Everything is not fine! I know that wind is trying to put the moves on you but you're just too blind to notice!"
[Filter from Kaien and Rukia]
They think they're the only ones who can post vague and suspicious entries, huh? Looks like I showed them!