Jul 04, 2004 02:11
hm. I totally had something relevant I was going to say, but it has totally slipped my mind. I tend to do that a lot. so I'll just ramble about other stuff.
choc carmel brownies are fattening, I was totally content with myself and fitness, then I ate 2 rows of the brownies. *sigh* I cannot resist food.
I need the shirt that says "I eat carbs". I HATE people who try to lecture me about the atkins diet, and try to recruit me on their stupid new trendy diets. Well, just to tell you all, those diets are exactly that: A TREND!!! dude, if you completely cut out carbs you're sure to hurt yourself there as well. Just eating pure protein and fruit is just going to bulk you up! I am smart and I didn't even know it, I read this article about foods good for runners, and I eat like half of it. Like I told the stupid lady fighting with me about good foods to eat, CEREAL IS FORTIFIED WITH VITAMINS!! she told me nothing good can come from cereal, it is pure carbs...I was like are you shitting me? and you're telling me I need to research....hello, I have. perhaps she needs to look further than her stupid atkins diet. Yes, obviously I get peeved about people like them. Don't try to tell me that whatever I found for myself that is working, isn't right, cause if it works for me, then why should she care? That and string cheese (one of my best friends) was on the list, and chicken, turkey, etc, and WHEAT THINS! wahoo. I like wheat thins. I thought the honey ones would be gross, but they're actually pretty good. I had them on the drive down to san D, in which casey had brought them....oh yea, and choc milk was on the list...in which I drink like every night. I am smart and didn't even know it.
what else can I ramble about. hm. so yes, sara, we have 2 days in august that we can choose from where I will have the house to myself. perhaps this time we can recruit a couple more people and have a good shenanigan night. notice I am not saying the date, in case any of you whom I don't trust try to throw a party at my house. that would not be good.
and apparently I am going camping with my mother, sister, and uncle, instead of rafting :( I would've rather gone rafting. oh well, if allison decides to stay, then she will set a rafting trip up hopefully. for it is fun.
yay, my passport is in the mail!! IT IS GOING TO COME ON TIME FOR THE CRUISE!! THIS IS GOOD NEWS! cutting it kinda close I might add, coming the week of the cruise. technically it could come as late as friday, becuase I leave at 5, so the mail should come before then.
oh yes, and finally, I really really really need to find a hat store, I really want the black superman hat. I've decided I could possibly look decent in baseball caps, so I should start to wear them.
hm. to continue with the randomness, I totally can do tricks with my hula hoop. I get bored, so I find new things to do. and when allison's friends come over I show them, and they laugh at me. personally I'd like to think they're laughing with me, but chances are that is not the case. eh, what can you do, at least I can pretend I'm funny and laugh at myself. I mean, someone's gotta do it? why not be me.
and I've decided to keep the 3rd dress I bought, becuase I got younger people's opinions and they said to keep it, one was even a guys opinion, so I can be the lazyass that I like to be and not have to go back to the mall.
Hm, yea and as for the cruise, I doubt there will be any younger guys on board anyway. I will be getting my hopes up for nothing.
Also, since I doubt anyone will even read this far, I have come to the conclusion, that knowing my luck, I won't be able to get any guys in college. I mean, I'm pretty positive I won't be dating anybody for the rest of high school, not by choice, just by the way I realistically am thinking, it just won't happen that way. which I'm ok with, but as for college, I prolly wont' be able to get a guy there either. and then I'll be one of those sad girls that just can't get laid. sure they say it's easier for girls, cause guys are so desperate, but I really have to disagree, I will sadly find a way against the odds.
hm. it is nearing 3, so I prolly should be off. 4th of july tomorrow woot! I like fire. *evil grin* later days.