New nail polish

Aug 09, 2007 01:12

I really like new nail polish bottles because I don't have to fight to cover the whole nail. But at the same time, it can be a little over eager and end up covering more than I'd like it to. Yeah...

I went to Wilcox today for the first time. It's nice to have the feeling that you're wanted. I told Rob (the director there) about Live Oak and Gilroy contacting me for the same position and he was just like, "Please don't leave!" After he showed me around, he told me he was glad to have me there. Genuinely.
So, band camp starts next week. Their days are a little longer - 9AM to 10PM - but they appear to be funner. Rather than rehearsing the whole time, they have a break for activities in the afternoon and evening. Rob said it keeps the kids interested while also giving them a break so they won't be as grumpy. haha.
So far there's only 2 kids in the pit. But I guess he still doesn't know what some of the kids play, and if there is an abundance of woodwind players, he'll send some to the drumline and/or pit. Apparently they're really small, but they're good. I like that. He said everyone pulls their weight and they don't put up with slackers. I think I'm going to like it.
The only downside is it's in Santa Clara and the camp starts at 9AM every morning. 101 is normally a mess, so I've been advised to take 85 and follow Lawrence. Apparently it's the lesser of the two evil freeways. haha

My dad's been gone since Monday and I must say... it's been quite nice around the house. There's been no yelling, no slamming of anything, everything's been relatively peaceful. My mom took the week off and so I've seen a lot of her and my brother. I guess we're going to Great America tomorrow because she got tickets through work. So I guess that's cool.

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