Jun 03, 2010 19:04
Yoh, I'm going ahead on route 30 for a little bit to train. When you're done eating, you should come out as well. [Underlying message is saying "Don't wait until Anna gets here to do any sort of training or she will make you train until your legs fall off from doing the electric chair so often."]
Let's not take too long before getting a move onto the next city.
[If anyone is just north of Cherrygrove, they can find Ren out in the grass dealing with some of the local Pidgeys of the area. Elekid is listening more often than it used to, and thundershock is quite useful.
After so many days since arriving, Ren now has a couple more balls on his belt. Care to battle and find out what he's been training other than his Elekid? Or killsteel this one Pidgey that's starting to escape--]
(ooc: Yoh-mun, I'm assuming they'll finish their conversation after meeting up and coming back to Cherrygrove for a night, but I'll still tag that thread! /o/)
route 30