Application for route_29

May 07, 2010 20:18

Name: Okami
Livejournal Username: starfruits
E-mail: xvkurinuvx [at] aol [dot] com
AIM/MSN: AIM is conglomeraxion
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: N/A

Name: Ren Tao
Series: Shaman King
Timeline: Chapter 151
Canon Resource Links:

Affiliation: Trainer aiming towards Champion. This guy doesn't settle for anything but the top XD

Personality: Ren is a very tough boy on the outside, but when he cares for someone, it shows in that he would give his life to protect them. Namely, his sister and his friends. Ren is also very self confident, has a particularly short fuse and isn't afraid to abuse whatever it is that is making him angry. He's very serious, and a logical thinker, but he tends to hold people at arm's length. He's also very intuitive and learns things at a quick pace (shown in his fight with Mikihisa Asakura, he learned all his techniques simply through witnessing/being subjected to them), quick witted and stubborn (seen in every single fight he's ever been in ffff).

While he was raised with the belief and hatred of humanity, when he meets Yoh and see's the world from his perspective, he changes for the better. Learning to trust others, he went through a process of ridding himself of his hatred and went home to defeat his father, who had instilled in him since he was a baby the idea that humanity is trash. It took a rescue from Yoh and the combined efforts of friends, but he eventually defeated his father and was mentally able to move on with his life and get over the hatred.


Strengths: Having trained since the day he could walk with martial arts and generic Shaman training, Ren is very physically fit. (No, seriously, he sliced a semi truck in half without much effort from 100% integration with Bason, his spirit partner.) Very sharp minded and quick to come up with strategies, Ren is a tough competitor. Not just with his physical strength and stamina, but he is incredibly determined to be the very best in everything he does, and that won't change here in the land of Pokemon.
Other strengths of his would be that he can actually cook (albeit it's survival training, he can still hunt and grill basic necessities), and he cares passionately about his friends and family to the point where he would do anything for them... he is also a quick witted individual with a good heart. Ren may put on a tough act, but deep down inside he's a big squishy teddy bear (with a sharp sword).

Weaknesses: Ren still has this fear that if he grows too powerful and too lonely, he would develop mind reading abilities that would drive him into creating demons. This is actually a plot point that happened to Anna when she was younger, and is something that also happened to Hao, so Ren knows it can happen. He is afraid of his friends dying, of them leaving him alone. Emotionally, Ren can be incredibly tender due to what a kind-hearted person he is, though he had been forced to crush that part of himself for a good ten years of his life when his father pushed him towards the path of Shaman King. When he was very young, he was taught that humanity as a whole were trash, ruining the world, and so his original goal was to become Shaman King to get rid of all humans and let nature thrive. Due to meeting and losing to Yoh in a fight during the preliminary rounds of the Shaman King Tournament, he changes his ways with that glimmer of hope that he can be strong and kind.
Other weaknesses may include his small stature (Ren stands just below or even to five feet tall), his incredibly short temper which leads to him drawing his sword over the most ridiculous things. His ego is fairly large as well, fully confident (while a strength generally) that he could defeat anyone (which makes it a weakness as he underestimates people on occasion).

Starter: Elekid (omg it's three feet shorter than him, it reaches his hip /brblolforever)

(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)

First Person Sample:

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Hello? Is anyone there? [Someone is shaking his PokeGear in irritation, having managed to turn it on since it... looks like a phone.] What the hell is the meaning of this?!

Kidnapping me in the middle of a fight--this is just stupid. Where is this anyway? That woman just shoved me out and none of the townspeople will explain anything except that they are excited I have a Pokemon.

What the hell is a Pokemon anyway?! [Someone better be listening, there has to be more people here than these.. locals who don't respond with anything but kindness and for some reason, he can't shake them or even come near laying a hand on one!]

Third Person Sample:

Scowling when no answer came forth from the phone-like device immediently, Ren dumped it back into the bag and dug his hand around inside it. There has to be something useful in here... Feeling something different, he pulled out a small red and white sphere, eyeing it cautiously.

The hell is this? was his first thought, before pressing the button in the middle out of curiosity. The sphere grew a bit, expanding, before it cracked open suddenly and a light shot out of it. Startled, Ren dropped the ball and bag, taking up a defensive fighting stance out of pure instinct, mentally wishing he had his sword right now. Stopping when the light turned into... something yellow and black, Ren just raised his eyebrow before narrowing his gaze.

The creature turned and regarded him, before snorting out a noise that sounded like Ele. and crossing its arms. Ren's eyebrow twitched sharply as the thing outright snorted at him and turned away, snuffing at him?! No one, not even some weird looking... whatever it is snuffs its nose at him like that! Relaxing his stance, Ren lifted his chin a bit to make himself stand taller and stood as he would to intimidate his opponents, crossing his own arms.

"What are you?" The creature regarded him with boredom, then turned its head away. Ren scowled deeply, utterly pissed that its practically turning its nose up at him, and stomped forward to reach and grab its arm.

"Hey, don't you dare ignore me--" Well. That's what he would have said, had he been able to get past 'Hey' before being shocked by the creature the moment he touched its arm.


Blearily opening his eyes, Ren groaned and groggily reached his hand up to cover his face. What just... happened? Hearing footsteps on flooring that clearly wasn't dirt or grass had him cracking his eyes open and looking to see just where he was.

Bright lights, sterile environment, and... its that thing again. Sitting in the chair and looking every last bit innocent that it didn't cause this, it was gnawing on an apple. Ren grunted and winced as he shoved himself into sitting up, settling a glare on the thing.

"What did you do to me?"

It ignored him, prompting Ren to nearly growl and slip right back into laying on his back. Glancing around, it appeared he was in a hospital of some kind. Great.

Later, he learned from the nurse that he had been shocked into fainting due to his Elekid being ornery. It's something typical for that species, he was informed, and they don't like those who haven't proven themselves yet. When he asked how the creature (with more curse words) was his, the nurse up and slipped away with the excuse of 'Oh my look at the time I best take care of the others!', leaving him alone in the room with the Elekid.

Grunting, but this time with a challenging smirk, he pushed himself into sitting up again, watching it with curiosity this time. So this is a Pokemon? He'll show it not to turn its nose up at him, oh yes he will.


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