There are more photos in my Gallery

Jun 14, 2005 19:47

Here are a few of the photos I took in Bonn and Siegberg, Germany over the weekend. You can find more Here. And some Here".

Our other window

View from the window our room at the Rhein Hotel Dreesen. On the Rhein River, Bonn Germany.

A view of one of the castle walls at Siegberg

The castle was really too large and hidden by greenery to get a good shot, and it wasn't really that pretty. This gives you an idea of how large it was.

Door of the watchtower

At the Abbey, Siegberg

Great Hall of the Abbey at Siegberg

Theo at the tower

This is my favorite shot of him over the weekend. He was actually smiling in this!

The other view from our suite at the Hotel on the Rhein

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