In Memory...

Nov 14, 2005 21:21

My fish Samurai Jack. May he rest in peace. For all of you that knew him, he was the best fish ever. He was always happy to see you, and he jumped out of the water when you fed him. It may not seem like a great loss... but for me it stands for much more. He was with me through some of the hardest, most difficult years of my life so far. I bought him after I left Chris, as some thing to take care of and be responsible for, to keep me company. It was not apparent because I kept it to myself, but to me he symbolized a turning point in my life. I was depressed for a very long time after I broke up with Chris, but when I saw that I had to take care of Jack, it kept me going. He reminded me that life goes on, and that I am not alone in this world. Now, I am alone once again, and my friend has left me. The three years we had together are some I will never forget. And please forgive me for all of the traumatizing trips I made you go on with me, including the plane ride. Thank you. RIP.
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