jet lag

Jun 05, 2005 06:18

its 6 am in the fucking morning and im not tired yet. well i got back from japan on friday night, and i am kinda depressed. i always get depressed after i come back from out of town... i just feel like bored and weird.
i didnt want to leave japan. i cried on the way to the airport and on the plane because i was so happy that i had such a great time, and i didnt want to leave. i had some amazing experiences, met some amazing people, and took some amazing pictures ( 749 of them)!
i cant really write about every thing that happened, because that would take entirely too long. i could write a book, im sure. i wrote a lot of stuff down in a journal while i was there, but its not even half of what happened.
The BAsics:
13 other people, 19 days in japan.
we started out in Tokyo. stayed there for 7 days.
then we went to Kyoto. stayed there for 4 days.
we had a free weekend to go and do whatever we wanted. 3 days.
met back up in Tokyo. 4 more days.

Places traveled:

Companies and Universities visited:
Boeing, Toyota, Canon, Yamazaki Shuzo, Monex Inc., Yamanashi University, Keio University, Himeiji University.

Favorite things:
the wedding at the Meiji Jingu shrine, sushi at the revolving sushi bar, public baths, the festival in Asakusa, hanging out at the top of Kyoto station in the garden at night, green tea ice cream, sleeping on futons on tatami mats, hot springs, pocky, the architecture of all the houses, riding on trains at rush hour, sleeping on trains, staying up until 4 and waking up at 6, sake and kimchee, tokyo tower, japanese late night tv (so weird), watching a girl in my group almost getting run over by bicycles every 5 seconds, Harajuku girls, shopping, shopping, and more shopping, street fights, the Yakuza that lived next door, the whale shark at the Osaka aquarium, the deer in Miyajima that will eat absolutly anything, having wipe with anything paper you can find because sometimes they dont supply you with toilet paper, "squatters", the bede, the bouncers in Osaka, Jack's random stories that made no sense, starbucks in Shibuya (green tea frappacinos!), batman shoes, our home visit in Kyoto, rock climing naked, mcdonalds at 1 am, talking to middle schoolers with cute uniforms, street performers, kiyomizu temple, the arcades, japanese porn, meeting the president of Boeing Japan, yoshinoyas!! (the japanese version of fast food.. open very late, and very inexpensive), ..... *sigh* ... and there is so much more.
the pictures explain much better. but there are 749 of them, so it will take a while for me to get them sorted and posted. ill probably make a book , so it will be easier to look at and take in.
im having reverse culture shock. i think i need to get out of my house and do something to get reaquainted with myself in america. call me or something.
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