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Mar 18, 2005 19:46

This summer is going to rock. I can't stop thinking about it. (Probably because I just want this semester to be over!)

So first of all, school ends on April 29th, the day before my birthday! >.< Awesome! But actually I don't have any finals on that day, so I will most likely head home on the 28th. I would really like to go to Busch Gardens for my birthday, so let me know if you would like to go.

AND THEN! I am going to Japan on May 16th! Woooo! I get back on June 3rd.

June 18th I am going to Nebraska for another family reunion, BUT this time... we are getting a horse! Our very own horse... god, another dream come true. AND Szymon is coming this time too! My dad is finally being nice and everything, and said that he could come. Also my cousin Bryan got a new horse as well, since his other one was skittish, and difficult to ride, so we will have 3 awesome horses to ride! Before we just had 1 old horse, and 1 wild one. Was still fun, but it doesn't compare to having your *own* horse. ^_^

Later on in the summer Me, my Dad, Szymon, and Gary (Dad's friend, and Szymon and my college counselor), are going to Key West to go Lobster catching. My Dad is going to trailer his boat down, and he has a friend that owns a house there that we can stay in. So, basically my Dad is going to tie a rope around Szymon and have him pulled across the ocean floor so he can find the lobster nests, so when Szymon sees one he will drop off and mark where it is, and then Dad will pull around the boat and anchor down. All the rest of us will jump in too, and start grabbing lobsters. That was how my Dad explained it. But Szymon said that wouldn't work, so I dont know... my Dad has done this before I am pretty sure. Hopefully we will also go snorkeling, fishing, maybe spearfishing(?), and stuff like that.

Other than that, I am looking for a full time job (9-5er), and just going to work on making some money. Going to the beach, fishing, kayaking, spending time with family (esp my little sister), is also definately a must.

I'm so happy to have things planned, because I did absolutely nothing but sit on my ass last summer! ^_^* hehe

College is going really well, I am on the Deans List, and I think I am going to be in the Honors Program next semester. I was invited to be in Alpha Lambda Delta, the National Freshman Honor Society, which is kinda cool. The International Festival is on Tuesday, March 22, and I am running a few tables for that, including Japan, and Poland.

I have nothing to complain about. Life is good right now! Except I miss Szymon... lol.

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