I hate that I have to repeat this on occasion

Jun 17, 2011 16:20


I don't care if those vaginas are on characters or on writers or on artists. Vaginas do not need to be involved for me to enjoy comic books.

There's been a minor run of angry people who are taking issue with Gail Simone being the only female writer on the big relaunch. The fact that DC tried to get more female writers/artists and were turned down? WHO CARES?! THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH VAGINAS IN THE ROOM.

I love Simone's work. I also love Tomasi's, Bedard's, Snyder's, Cornell's, Giffen's, Johns's, Azzarello's, Jurgen's, and a shit ton of others. I don't love their work because they have penises. I love their work because it's entertaining, well-written, and enjoyable. Fuck, I thought Sean McKeever was a chick until just recently. I have no basis for thinking this, by the way; I just thought the person writing a kick ass Nomad and Black Widow was probably a chick. Which is not a fair assumption to make. But I made it.

It comes down to this: If you flip this argument from "we need more vaginas in the room" to "we need more penises in the room," you'd call that sexism, right? Because it FUCKING IS.

Yes, it's too bad DC couldn't pull in some more talented writers and artists who happened to be female, but you know what? I FAIL TO GIVE A FUCK. BECAUSE A VAGINA IS NOT MANDATORY FOR ME TO ENJOY COMICS.

And really, can't we all just get along and agree that Judd Winick is a hack and will ruin Catwoman? Not because he has a penis but because he's a fucking hack?

comics, fandom bitch, judd winick is an idiot

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