This week's L&O as summed up by The Husband

Dec 18, 2008 23:28

"I really don't expect this kind of plot ingenuity from a show in it's 19th season. And it's awesome!"

That pretty much sums up my feelings as well. Well, that and the slight case of misty eyes I got when Ned Beatty stopped in to see Jack. As any mention of Adam Schiff gets me a little teary. Because Adam was fabulous, and you know mentions of him, while Jack sits in his chair, probably makes Jack a little teary as well. In my personal canon, Jack McCoy never thought of that office as anyone but Adam's. Yeah, sure, Nora and Arthur showed up and sat at that desk, but to Jack, it was always Adam's office. Except that now it's his, and that's very confusing for him.

law&order, episode squee

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