Title: Bullet Points
Author: Perpetual Motion
Fandom: Law and Order: CI/SVU
Pairing: Goren/Stabler
Rating: G
Summary: Maureen asks the important questions.
Dis: Not mine. Lied.
Author’s Notes: For
hobbit_feet, who requested it with such hopefulness.
Bullet Points
By Perpetual Motion
“You’re kind of a freak, huh?”
Bobby looked up from the encyclopedia he’d been browsing and blinked at Maureen. “I guess.”
“Have you always been a freak?”
Bobby thought about that; too tall, too smart, a crazy mother. “I guess.”
Maureen thumped down onto the couch next to Bobby. “Why are you reading the ‘Y’ encyclopedia?”
“I haven’t read it, yet.”
Maureen read over Bobby’s shoulder. His finger was holding his place halfway down the page labeled ‘yurts’. “Do you really love my dad?”
“Cool.” Maureen pushed Bobby’s finger out of the way so she could finish the paragraph.