what do nimwits (e.g., I) do when they're really messed up?
they mess themselves up even more.
peroxideswinger with tufts of curly hair.
(sorry, no picture available. my camera's scared of me.)
i've been meaning to give myself a new look since i watched HP5 and thought i might just look good with Hermione Granger's lovely locks. mom agreed, so one of the first things i did on my vacation was go to the salon and et voila! (oh, i think i'm speeding it up too quick...)
flashback: i do have naturally wavy hair, an unfortunate inheritance since the hair doesn't come off as nice as you could think -- it's just the horrible way around. as a child i never gave much notice to my hair (and my physicality, among other things)... and it's when i reached teendom did my usual shabby hair turned curly and brushy all of a sudden, leaving me looking like a fair-skinned fat Aeta. if i got hold of those photos (of which i stashed somewhere in the pits of my drawer) again, i'd burn them off. it was an ugly era.
when i finally became conscious of my looks -- too late, in 3rd year high school -- i hoped to change my abysmal sense of style. i traded in thick-lensed eyeglasses for contacts, trimmed down a little (10 pounds baby!), and treated my hair to a relax just in time for the prom season. since then i'm doing fine, might be floundering in and out of the weight department (i hate exercise!), but then much more confident of my appearance.
this is one of the few times i'd get to be very vain, so if you please. :D mother and i dated in the salon the whole afternoon (she for a color treatment, moi for you-know-what) ... it was excruciating to bear the weight of those hotdog curling bands (for about 2 hours! excluding putting them on and taking 'em off) and the fumes from the chemicals they soaked in my head were nauseating, i almost choked to tears.
after what seemed like an eternity, i was done. though it didn't look Hermione-ish, i was happy about my curls. no more 'scrungies' and tying my hair (making my face widen... grr). the weather's chilly after all, so i didn't mind sweating (wait until summer!). the feedback was good, and the world is again at peace.
i wonder how long i can maintain this glorious hair! mousse splurge ^^