So this is what a 5000 word day feels like.
And I didn't even start writing until past 4 p.m.
A year ago, I had not written a story longer than 5000 words, and I just wrote that much in a day, on a story that's right now 24,000 words and growing. How cool is that?
And this plot stuff? Is actually fun. Oh, it needs some major revision before it's anything I'd show to another living soul -- but it's crazy fun to figure out how all the pieces fit together! This might be enough to change me from a short story writer to a novel/long fic writer.
Scrivener is fantastic. Hell, yes, I will be buying it when the free public beta stage is over. You basically get a tab for each scene (or chapter, or however you want to divide it out) and it's super easy to rearrange things when you realize the second visit to the yarn store needs to come after the brunch at the Snow City Cafe instead of before, and the third visit to the yarn store needs to be replaced by Brett turning into a zombie, and Brett turning into a zombie (he gets better) needs to happen before the Snow City Cafe scene. And then you can export individual scenes as .rtf or .html files, and at the end (or whenever you want a
wordle of the whole thing) you can compile it all into a single document. You can also get a whole document word count or page count, or a scene by scene word count or page count, at any time.
All of which is fantastic, because one of my problems with writing long fic has been that I get overwhelmed by the pages and pages and pages of .doc file, and I lose pieces, and when I want to rearrange things I get distracted in the looking for a specific scene and end up rereading three thousand words and tweaking instead. If I can just click the tab for "zombie scene," I won't reread all of scenes 11 through 19 looking for it.
*happy sigh*
And now, rambling Nicki must go to bed.