Whew! My very last PPF fic is up! Here, I'll just paste in the headers from Glake.
Place of SafetyRating: PG-13
Length: about 2500 words
Fandom: Emelan
Summary: Daja and Sandry talk things over and reach a conclusion.
Peculiar Pairing: Daja/Sandry; also Briar/Evvy, mention of Sandry/Rosethorn, and a bit of Daja/Lark if you squint.
Note: As threatened promised, this is
fanfic of a fanfic, written as an early birthday present for Kit -- the brilliant idea is hers, really, but any sketchy characterization or awkward prose is mine.
kitty_ryan , I hope your month is off to a fantastic start! In case I'm in a NaNo vortex later, and also because of PPF, and also because I need to stop tweaking this already, I'm posting it early. ♥
(Side note: I'm at just over 6000 NaNo words! Squee!)