Does anybody have Doctor Who community or fic recs? I get the feeling that fandom is big enough to be a jungle, so I thought I'd ask for suggestions before I go charging in.
So far I've only seen the first half of S1 and the S5 episodes as they come available in the US, but I'm not opposed to being spoiled on what I haven't seen yet. On the other hand, though, I adore the current Doctor, so I'm most interested in fic that relates to the new season, of which I'm sure there will be more and more as we go along.
Specific things I'm interested in:
Meta on how the Who-niverse works, what special abilities timelords have, etc.
Character study fics about the Doctor and how he changes, because I haven't quite wrapped my mind around the fact that all the Doctors are really the same person. In my head it's more like how every Voice of the Tribes has the memories of all the past Voices, or how every Slayer is sort of connected to every past Slayer, but that's not it. Every Doctor is the same Doctor, but I don't really understand that yet. How do you reconcile that with the differences in the way the character comes across with a different actor and a different production team?
Fic about almost any of the female characters -- Amy, River Song, Rose, Harriet Jones, other companions (even though I haven't actually seen them yet) -- kicking butt, having adventures, saving the day, and making their own decisions. Not necessarily as "the hero" of the story; but anything where they shine.
Eleven/Jeff slash? This is fandom; I know I'm not the only who's thought it -- the Doctor consistently refers to Jeff as "the attractive one" and he knows Jeff's porn viewing history. Somebody has to have written it.