In Round 1 of the Smackdown, I wrote 126 entries, which total approximately 18,560 words (according to Archive of Our Own, or slightly more according to Open Office). Almost exactly half of that -- 63 entries, and 8932 words -- was for the last set of fights (54 entries for Buri, 9 for Owen). Earlier, I wrote 23 for Uline, 22 for Neal, 16 for Sabine, and 1 each for Wyldon and Yuki.
For the sake of sanity, I've collected these 126 entries into 26 longer works, all of which are posted
on AO3, here. Some of these are linked into series, which I hope will make them a little easier to follow.
Eventually I'll get these up on
The King's Own, too, but for now, at least they're archived someplace.