Bleach Drabble (56-57)

Jul 13, 2005 14:35

This is me procrastinating a little bit on my paper, since it's OMG so CLOSE to being done.

Plus I needed a break because I think the doujinshi I ordered GOT STOLEN IN THE MAIL ROOM and that makes me sad. ;_;

Title: What’s Wrong With You
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: no specific mentions, draw your own conclusions from drabble #48? But Matsumoto, Nanao, Nemu, and Histugaya are in it.
Word Count: 221
Warning/s: OOCness
Summary: Continuation of Drabble #48 (Statistical Anomaly)- Hitsugaya answers the girls’ questions.
Dedication: JaB, the Hitsugaya fangirl.
A/N: I got an idea in the middle of class today, which meant I didn’t SLEEP in class ‘cuz I was thinking on it, but that doesn’t really help since I didn’t LISTEN to lecture because of it anyway.

Hitsugaya frowned, stepping out into the quad and seeing his vice-captain, along with Ise and Kurotsuchi, lounging around on the grass ogling the guy on guy action again, those same wistful looks on their faces as always.

He had work that needed to be done, dammit.

And shelves he couldn’t reach, but that didn’t need to be brought up specifically.

Stalking over, he realized they were having another one of those “What’s wrong with us? Woe is me,” sessions that girls sometimes liked to have when they were alone and surrounded by gay guys. He fought back the urge to roll his eyes at it because people said he looked like a little kid when he did it and he was so not.

Instead, he stopped short, right in front of them, and very methodically pointed at each one in turn.

Kurotsuchi. “Scary dad.”

Ise. “Scary face.”

And finally, Matsumoto. “Scary childhood friend. Or scary chest, either one.” That said, the tenth division captain spun imperiously on his heel. “Now let’s go, Matsumoto. There’s something…I need you to get for me.”

Looking dumbfounded, the tenth division vice-captain hastily stood. “Uh… yessir.”

Nanao and Nemu watched them go.

“Um…Hitsugaya-taichou isn’t…you know too, is he?” Kurotsuchi asked, quietly.

Nanao’s glasses gleamed as she glared after the young captain. “No, but he’s still young.”


Title: Things Left Behind
Rating: R for bloody…stuff.
Pairing/Character/s: GinxKira
Word Count: 579
Warning/s: Spoilers for the Soul Society arc, and general ickyness.
Summary: Kira cherishes the few things Gin left him.
Dedication: jadeprince, ‘cuz she likes Emo Kira.
A/N: There’s something very, very wrong with me, I think.

He’s got scratch marks on his back that he hopes will never heal and fade away. But they itch like they’re healing and he can’t retrace them perfectly with his own nails, not even in a mirror. He’s tried.

And he’s got hand-shaped bruises on either side of his hips too, and as much as he wishes that those would stay forever, he knows they’ll disappear with the passage of time, mere days from now and it’ll look like Ichimaru-taichou never touched him there ever, though Kira knows that his captain has touched him there many, many times.

There’s a long gash on his the lower half of his stomach that might leave a permanent mark if he picks at it enough, the last touch of Shinsou that he remembers on his body before Gin left him behind forever.

He keeps it from scabbing by worrying it with his fingers, scratching persistently at it with his nails in the hopes that it won’t fade away because as long as he has it he won’t have to remember how alone he is here without the man he would have betrayed the rest of Soul Society for, if only he’d asked him to.

The old, dried blood stuck under his nails from picking at the wounds Gin so lovingly delivered is soon joined by a fresh wave of warm liquid red, staining his hands and the white of his hakama and he doesn’t want to wash either of them because that’s blood from the wound Ichimaru first opened, blood from the very place that his captain fastened smiling lips and drank his fill, drank until his face and hands and sword were all covered in Kira’s blood, happy and warm and aroused, right before he’d pushed the vice-captain’s legs aside and eagerly drank from other parts of him.

Izuru feels like he wants to cry again for the familiar feeling of his side burning pain and oozing all over his torso. And he puts his own bloody fingers to his lips, tasting what his captain must have tasted the last time they were together, fucking on the floor of this very office.

He tries to remember every bit of the sensation, of the sound and the sight and the taste and the feel of their last time here in this room as captain and vice-captain, as superior and subordinate.

He hangs on to every memory that he can of his precious captain because now that he’s gone, Kira is woefully alone in this place, alone without the familiar sensations of pain and bliss and the confused melding of those two wonderful things together that only Ichimaru knew how to give him.

And so he picks his wound until it’s gushing and good as new, tasting his own blood on his hands with eyes blissfully closed. Reclining on his back, he lets the memory of Gin’s breath over his bloodied flesh wash through his mind and he shudders, simultaneously distraught and aroused as he drips all over the floor.

He doesn’t want these injuries to heal, to fade away, ever, because now there’s no one to make them new again, to make him hurt and cry and fuck him until his vision blacks out a little around the edges like he can’t breathe. Ichimaru-taichou is long gone now, and even after everything that happened, all Kira can bring himself to feel about it is that he wishes he hadn’t been left behind.


So yeah, no real edits, lemme know what sucks. ^^;;
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