Pimp post as requested by
rhythmia! Haha woefully um, incomplete for now, but I'm sure there will be more added as various people come up and smack me for being lazy with everyone's posts save for Koyama and Tegoshi. I AM BIASED I ADMIT IT.
Touzainanboku cha-cha-cha? )
(based on things koyama has said)--
1) he gives off an air that other people don't have to worry about him. --> from this you know that he either gives the impression of being able to take a joke, and/or it means that just in general he acts so much older that they dont feel the need to baby him.
2) his comebacks are funny, so they pick on him to see his comebacks. i think both yamapi and koyama has said this. like when ryo was saying that they dont talk at all and shige agrees and says that when he saw ryo alone he slammed the door. ryo was laughing soo hard when he said it.
based on others
3) tegoshi (who IS good at reading people) realized somewhere along the way that picking on shige can be a group acivity-- lotta people laughing over the same thing, so he picks on shige to strengthen group love.
and i think actually shige takes the teasing pretty well because they dont pick on him for the things that he IS sensitive about-- e.g. not being able to sing good or dance well. they make fun of specific moments but not of it in general. and they never say that they dont want him in the group, the way koki did about junno.
that said, you know that photoshoot personality test? my guess is that shige feels insecure about his place in the group in general, not because of them picking on him per se, but because of the other things-- people don't recognize him (before), and he knows he's the worst singer in the group, etc. it must suck to be so smart and good-looking and know that you are not as talented as the person three months younger than you.
god, and there. i wrote a kato shigeaki essay.
And Pi and Koya always tease Shige about good things, like being hot or sexy.
RYO WAS LAUGHING REALLY HARD AT THE CLOSING THE DOOR THING. I thought it was hysterical. THEY ARE TOTALLY FLIRTING and I am so glad I love NewS ORGY as my no. 1 otp now, because RyoxShige would be hot. XD
also, a recent hot ryo/shige fic: http://travelingpsycho.livejournal.com/13257.html#cutid1
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