fic: Sugar and Spike and Everything Nice; that's what little boys are made of. (3/?)

Jun 04, 2010 19:09

Title: Sugar and Spike and Everything Nice; that’s what little boys are made of.

Rating: R

Genre: Romance, Comedy

Pairing: Buffy/Spike from BtVS

Summary: In an attempt to lend a helping hand, a spell by Willow goes awry and leaves Buffy with an unexpected, but quite adorable handful.

Disclaimer: All publically recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

A big thank you to annieluvsspuffy  for her awesome baby!vamp manip! See it below the cut!

Chapter Three.

“I can’t believe you turned him into a baby!”

Wrapped in soft blanket and blissfully unaware of the growing panic around him, little Spike lay on the couch murmuring happily as he stretched his fingers and reached for his feet.

“We were trying to help!” Willow gestured to the young infant. “And look! We were successful! Scars are gone! He’s just...”

“A baby!” Buffy shrieked. “A little...,” her voice softened. “Little baby Spike.”

A heavy sigh and she dropped herself down on the couch beside him. She smiled when he grabbed at her fingers which gently rubbed at his chest.

“Okay...well, what do we do now? How do him up again?”

“I’ve got a rough idea on a reversal spell, but there’s just some details that I need to smooth out. Just to make sure that nothing else, you know...goes wrong again. And I’ll need to get some ingredients too.” Willow went to kneel on the floor by Buffy’s knees. “I’m so sorry about this Buffy. Dawn and I, we were just trying to help. I’ll make this right again, I promise.”

“I know. I know you will.” Buffy gave her friend a tired smile. Willow really needed to start watching how she used her powers, but matters were getting too urgent to allow for a lecture. She put a supportive hand on her shoulder. “So you can work on the spell and Dawn can watch Spike. I have to go and find him some blood; we can’t wait till tomorrow to feed him.”


It was nearing midnight when Buffy returned home for the second time that night. This time she was laden with the supplies of blood that she’d put in Spike’s fridge. Now with a warm bottle of blood in one hand and him in the other, it was feeding time again.

“Drink up baby Spike! This is what you want, isn’t it?”

Tiny hands reaching in the direction of the bottle, he let out a happy cry. But one mouthful later and Buffy found her favourite white tank top spattered with a rejected blood.

“Gross, Spike! Urgh! What’s the matter now?” Frustrated, she dropped the bottle in the sink and looked down at her top in despair.

Perched on a stool at the kitchen island and inspecting her nails, Dawn looked up at her sister and gave her a casual shrug. “It’s probably the pig’s blood,” she stated simply. “Little Spikey can’t grow into a big boy vampire on yucky pig’s blood now can he?”

“Talk about a whole other level of breast feeding!” Jumping off the stool, she went to give Buffy a kiss on the cheek. “Good luck with that, I’m off to bed! Goodnight baby Spike!”

“Alright, baby Spike,” she sighed. “I guess it’s just you and me for the rest of the night.”

Buffy dragged herself to the living room and flopped back onto the couch, resting him against her chest. She needed human blood. Phooey. It was blatantly clear what her options were. Well, option to be correct. Eyelids growing heavy, she rolled her head against the cushions to look down at him.

“Poor little guy, you must be getting hungry.” She trailed a finger lightly through his cashmere-soft hair and whispered, “Sorry.”

He just looked up at her with wide angelic eyes, his little lips parted innocently. He’d been strangely quiet ever since Dawn had retired upstairs. Sitting up, she watched him curiously.

“Are you just big Spike inside a baby’s body?” she asked accusingly. He didn’t move a muscle and she sighed again. “There will be no breast feeding! So it’s no use you looking at me like that. Okay, so you can have some of my blood, but from my... there; no!” He didn’t make a sound, just blinked. “Alright! Alright. I guess it’s time to bring out the fangs and the lumpies then.”

Taking her right wrist, she sucked her own skin, trying to draw the blood to the surface before touching it to his lips. She supposed that he could smell it, as the vampiric features descended and she felt a prick against her skin. After six mouthfuls, she felt his fangs withdraw and heard that shift of bone as he returned to his human visage.

“All better now?”

She rubbed his small back and smiled as she watched his fragile eyelids gradually fall shut. Since her return from the grave, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d smiled so often in only a day.


Now comfortable in her oversized sleeping t-shirt, she crawled into bed beside his little sleeping form. She tucked the baby blankets in around him and stroked his rounded cheek, giggling quietly when he let out a contented murmur.

“You know, there are a lot of reasons I’d like this to be one crazy dream but...I wouldn’t be too disappointed if it wasn’t. For one, you’re a lot easier to talk to like this. No zippy, British comebacks and no...annoyingly accurate insights.” His eyes flickered open at this and he wriggled his fingers. “I think you have this wrong, you’re meant to close your eyes at sleep time.” He just gurgled happily in reply.

“Hmm, you’re just a little bit cute aren’tcha?” She laughed and traced a comforting pattern on his chest. “Who’s the Big Bad now?”

At this, he flailed his little arms and legs, crying out as though in answer. Giggling, she snuggled closer. She couldn’t help but see the humour in the situation. All those times she’d let herself entertain the fantasy of sharing a bed with Spike, and now she really was.

“There are some... things that I’ve been wanting to tell you,” she began quietly. “I know you don’t really understand me right now...I’m sorry.” She took his little hand, stroking his skin. “But I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for...looking out for me these last couple of weeks since I, you know, got back. It’s been nice, knowing that you’ for me, to listen to me. It’s nice having someone who understands.”

He really did understand. Not just what she was experiencing, but her. Spike understood her. He understood the way she thought, the way she reasoned, the reasons for her reasons. He could listen to her fumbling explanations and sum up each of her tumultuous emotions in one perfect sentence. He watched her with those eyes; those eyes which seemed to shine with a constant adoring surprise that she was really there, really talking to him.

Things used to be so clear and simple. He’d have some ridiculous evil vampire plan, she’d find a way to stop him, he’d call her names, she’d call him names, they’d fight and she’d win. And sometimes things still were that clear. He’d tell her how he planned to eat his way through Sunnydale when he got the chip out of his head. He’d crack tasteless jokes about Giles and his Watcher ways, about taking a bite out of Xander.  She’d lay out a couple of punches, a black eye and threaten him with a chest full of stake.

But then her hand would brush his as they fought side by side, she’d catch him watching her with eyes reserved for those of a lover. He’d say her name in his rich and soothing voice and it’d come out on a breath so natural, as though saying her name were an innate part of his existence. Her heartbeat would quicken and her body would warm and tingle. The woman in her would reach out to him, wanting just one touch of his perfect lips. But the Slayer, she’d take hold, push her down and tell her that it was wrong; that she was wrong.

Baby Spike was watching her with innocent eyes as she slipped out of her thoughts.

“I’m so confused,” she whispered. “But you can’t help me, can you, little guy?”

His young lips parted in a delighted smile and he stretched out a hand to grab her cheek. Not really thinking, she took his little hand and brushed her lips against his fingers.  She settled down, getting ready to sleep with one hand resting comfortingly on his stomach.

“We’ll put everything back to the way it should be; I’ll make sure of it. Don’t you worry about a thing. Go to sleep little Spike,” she murmured. “I’ll look after you.”

To be continued...

spuffy, fic, sugar and spike and everything nice

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