Sweet, Sweet Medicine (1/1)

Apr 03, 2010 21:12

Title: Sweet, Sweet Medicine

Rating: PG

Pairing: Buffy/Spike from BtVS

Genre: Episode Re-Write, Romance

Summary: Set just after S7 Showtime. Buffy adds a not-so-secret ingredient to Spike’s dinner.

Another “Spike’s sexy vamp face” inspired ficlet.

Disclaimer: All publically recognisable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective ( Read more... )

sweet sweet medicine, spuffy, sexy vamp face!, one shot, seven

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Comments 14

sarian71 April 3 2010, 11:40:28 UTC
"She thought he looked like a little boy, the way he clutched the mug with both hands. The way his lips curved in a contented smile after each sip."

I love that visual! I'm almost waiting for him to ask for some marshmallows... :)


peroxidelove April 3 2010, 12:29:15 UTC
That was originally going to be my opening line! But then I got a bit stuck with the storyline so then it got moved. Haha marshmellows with blood...its like the complete opposite of blood with weet-a-bix texture wise!

YAY for sexy vamp face icon! Thanks for commenting and reviewing and being lovely!


sarian71 April 3 2010, 12:37:50 UTC
"its like the complete opposite of blood with weet-a-bix texture wise!"

Hee! :D


amyxaphania April 3 2010, 11:45:35 UTC
I loved this! And the last line was perfect. Keep posting ficlets! Also - don't know if you know, but the lower word limit on TSR is now 400, so you could post some of these over there.


peroxidelove April 3 2010, 12:32:57 UTC
Oh! Really 400 words?! I'll have to make myself up a new account since I got locked out of my old one about a year ago! Haha thank you so much for letting me know!

I do love writing ficlets! I've gone a bit crazy over the past few weeks though, the ideas have just kept coming! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing :)

And speaking of fics and such, I was wondering if we could be expecting an update of The Game soon? I miss that story heaps! No pressure of course, I know how it can be when you get a little stuck and everything :) Thanks again!


amyxaphania April 3 2010, 12:40:06 UTC
I don't seem to have the ability to work on more than one fic at once - so once I got started on OotG, I kind of put aside all work on other fics. There are only another couple of chapters to go for that one though, so hopefully after that I should be able to concentrate on The Game again. I do have chapter eight half-written, so I'll try and get it done and posted soon.

I also have like, 15,000 words of an all-human fic written, I should maybe start posting that soon, too.


peroxidelove April 3 2010, 12:47:55 UTC
Holy moly! 15,000 words! And an all-human! Wow! Big amyxaphania fic special coming up! How exciting! You're in uni now right? How do you find the time for your fics and your incredible graphics and your study and work?? I'm in uni and while I'm typing my essays or whatever I always get hit by ideas for fics, it drives me crazy! Haha.

I do love a good old AH story. I'd like to write another one sometime, but 21 seems to have taken a lot out of me!

Mmm, your fics make me happy *sleepy smile*. I might go and re-re-read one before sleep time :)


yumimum April 4 2010, 20:11:37 UTC
Aww. You painted a lovely visual. If only...


peroxidelove April 5 2010, 00:40:04 UTC
Aw, thank you :)


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Aww... :) peroxidelove April 6 2010, 09:08:17 UTC
Aww! Thank you so much! That's so lovely of you to say :)


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