Eyeshield 21- "Teamwork"

Dec 24, 2006 21:45

Title: Teamwork
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: JyuumonjixSena, Kurita, Hiruma
Word Count: 791
Warnings/Spoilers: None I can imagine
Summary: Kurita plays peacemaker.
Dedication: sw_inku’s holiday gift drab! I hope this was awkward enough for you, love. XD
A/N: The request was “awkward.” And man I am out of practice writing ES21. o.o

When Kurita walked into the locker room and had his worst fears confirmed upon finding Jyuumonji-kun clearly bullying poor Sena-and rather brutally at that- he was naturally very concerned.

“Ahh, Jyuumonji-kun! I…I thought we stopped all that!” the big center exclaimed, distressed as he moved forward to try and break the battling pair up. “Aren’t we a team now? You shouldn’t do that sort of thing to your teammates!”

Jyuumonji jumped up at the sound of a third voice and stared at the interloper for a moment, wide-eyed and breathing hard. Kurita did his best to stand his ground and keep his bottom lip from trembling, even though he could see bite marks on poor Sena’s throat and narrow scratches along the curve of Jyuumonji’s shoulder.

Despite his horror his stern expression apparently worked anyway, because Jyuumonji quickly put some distance between himself and the small runningback, standing abruptly and looking around for his shirt. Sena surreptitiously handed it to him. “Uh…” the blond began, and tried to glare even though he was very clearly blushing. Kurita was glad that the other lineman was at least ashamed of what he’d done. Fighting amongst teammates was wrong.

Sena was decidedly little less pink around the cheeks than his classmate, and cleared his throat, catching the center’s attention. “Er… Kurita-san, he uh, he wasn’t bullying me?” he began, and straightened his rumpled jersey down around his hips a little, nervously.

“B-but you sounded like he was really hurting you just now,” Kurita protested. “And…and your neck…I… are you okay, Sena?”

Jyuumonji turned absolutely beet red.

“I’m fine!” Sena assured the second year hastily. “Really! Um… he was… I mean, that is… he and I…”

“Stretching,” Jyuumonji suggested, suddenly inspired. “I was uh… helpin’ him stretch out his legs.”

“And back,” Sena added, because considering how Kurita had found them, that made much more sense.

“And back,” Jyuumonji amended, quickly. “For sports.”

“Football,” Sena reminded him.

“Right. Football. I was stretching him. For that. And not anything else. I mean, any other sports. Practice.” Pause. “Um, the bites are from… his… dog?”

For some reason, that made Sena go bright red. “R-right,” he echoed, voice shaky. “My…dog. He’s uh… really playful.”

Jyuumonji, for some reason, looked mildly offended.

Sena shrugged helplessly at him.

Kurita blinked at them. “Eh…r-really?”

“Uh yeah,” Jyuumonji answered, quickly. “Anyway… Sena’s all um, stretched…er, ready now. For practice. In football.”

Kurita looked at the other lineman carefully. “Are you okay, Jyuumonji-kun? You seem… kinda… tired?”

Sena nearly fell off the changing bench.

“Er… just warmed up, Kurita-san,” Jyuumonji assured him, and shifted on his feet a bit uncomfortably. “Warmed up good?”

Sena choked on his own spit.

Kurita breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh good. So uh… you two aren’t fighting after all?”

The two freshmen shared a look. “Nope!” they said in unison, quickly. “Not at all.”

Kurita looked sheepish for having had the wrong idea about the two of them this whole time, the big lineman touching the ends of his index fingers together apologetically. “You guys really scared me for a second there,” he admitted, shyly. “When Hiruma said you were in the locker room banging one another again I was so worried that you two were mad at each other!”

Jyuumonji and Sena stared. “Eh?!”

Kurita blinked at their surprise. “Is…is something the matter?”

When Sena looked like he was about to say something, Jyuumonji quickly grabbed his wrist. “Nothing. We’re um, gonna go now. To practice. While we’re… uh, still stretched.”

He quickly pulled Sena towards the door.

“Hiruma-san knows!” Sena whispered once they were out of Kurita’s hearing range, and pink-faced with horror at the concept, he lengthened his strides in order to keep up with Jyuumonji’s longer-legged pace, managing (somehow) not to bury his face into the blond’s side in the process.

“He always knows,” Jyuumonji responded, looking just as embarrassed as he was resigned to the fact. “Just hope he doesn’t have pictures this time.”

Sena gaped. “Pictures?!” he exclaimed, horrified. But then he paused and blinked. “Wait… what does he have pictures of you doing?”

Jyuumonji coughed and continued to pull Sena towards the field, only faster now. “Right, time for practice.”

Hiruma, listening in from his hidden network of secret microphones, thought that the couple might appreciate the fact that he didn’t actually have any photographs of the two of them. Yet.

However, he may-or may not- have had something on his video camera.

But as always, it was up to the two of them as to whether he would ever have to use it.

For now, he thought he’d let them enjoy a brief honeymoon period, living in blissful ignorance.

He wasn’t a complete monster after all.



jyuumonjixsena, sena, kurita, hiruma, eyeshield 21, jyuumonji

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