Bleach Drabble (491)

Dec 02, 2006 21:43

I don't remember if I've already used this title for a drabble name. OH WELL. Finished first because ashesto offered me an exchange drabble AND I LIKE HER WRITING LOTS YEUS.


Title: Any Given Day
Rating: PG
Pairing/Character/s: Ikkaku, Yumichika
Word Count: 640
Warning/s: er, spoilers for Ikkaku’s fight with Edorad. I don’t remember numbers.
Summary: Sometimes death happens.
Dedication: for ashesto
A/N: The request was: “when the sky falls”.

People die every day.

That’s usually the extent of how Kenpachi eulogizes any of the eleventh division members who happen to die in the line of duty when he’s made to speak at their funerals, and everyone in the eleventh has come to accept that philosophy, has realized that the seemingly callous words are nothing more than an inevitable truth their captain refuses to try and shield them from. They know that any of them-all of them-could just go on and die on any given day.

It just happens sometimes.

There’s nothing special about it, nothing particularly grand or horrible or terrifying or melancholy. It’s just reality. People die-- every day, all the time. And when they do the world keeps going on after they’re gone like nothing happened while those who’d died become worm food. The end.

It’s what taichou always says. What they’ve always seen in the eleventh as a cold hard truth, with their own two eyes. Sometimes caused by their own two hands.

So Yumichika knows that this is how it’s supposed to be. On any given day.

But even still-even if deep in his gut he knows this- he finds himself vaguely surprised at how painful it all is anyway.

He’s seen a thousand men die in one normal night.

He’s seen one man die in one normal breath.

He’s had the blood of his men and his enemies on his hands, on his face, in his hair. He remembers only thinking that it was a pity and that he’d just have to wash it all out later, before the stains set.

Because people died sometimes.

On any given day.

But even still, somehow-somehow-right now it doesn’t feel like any given day and the world will go on just the same as always come morning.

To Yumichika, it suddenly feels like the universe is changing. He knows that death is coming again-can feel it in the air-- and while that shouldn’t bother him as much as it does (because it’s unfair to think this way about one person and not the others), he can’t help but feel that this death, more so than any of the other ones he’s already seen, is going to be-for some inexplicable reason- more horrible, more grand, more terrifying, more melancholy than any other death before it.

The world is tipping on its axis, time is freezing, the sky is falling.

Because when he watches Ikkaku fight-and thinks that Ikkaku might die-it suddenly doesn’t feel like any given day. It doesn’t feel like people just dying and that’s it. The end.

To Yumichika, it feels like the sky is falling.

And all he can do is stand by and remember that people die sometimes. That it’s just like taichou always says-- death happens.

So he tries to bear it calmly when he thinks of that, tries to wash out everything grand and horrible and terrifying and melancholy he’s feeling right now in light of that.

The sky is falling around him and Ikkaku might die.

Sometimes things like that just happen.

And while he knows he should be trying to remember that, that he should be doing his best to recall his captain’s words and his division’s philosophies and the fact that he’s seen a thousand men die in one normal night before-and one man die in one normal breath before- for some reason, the only thing he can think of right now has nothing to do with any of those very important things. Instead, instead he suddenly remembers a legend he heard once a long time ago, about what humans do in the living world when they see that the sky is falling from above them.

Yumichika takes a very slow, very deep breath.

And he makes a wish.



yumichika, bleach, eleventh division, ikkaku

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