Kyou Kara Maou/Bleach- "Playmates"

Nov 17, 2006 12:55

Title: Playmates
Universe: Kyou Kara Maou/Bleach
Theme/Topic: Games
Rating: G
Character/Pairing/s: Yuuri, Conrad, Greta, Gwendal, Gunter, Murata, Yachiru
Warnings/Spoilers: None that I can imagine.
Word Count: 994
Summary: (Bleach/Kyou Kara Maou)- Seeing is believing. Sometimes.
Dedication: requested by ainbthen on my lj. Also for pyrefly, because I tried to put Wolfram in there and remembered why I don't like him when I did. You’re the only one who understands me. XD
A/N: Yes, this is an old and tired storyline. BUT I couldn’t think of anything else. So. *shot*
Disclaimer: Not mine, though I wish constantly.
Distribution: Just lemme know.

A thud and a crash echoing through the stonework hallways of the castle sent Yuuri and Conrad running on instinct, Gwendal and Gunter not far behind. Gwendal sensibly, had his hand on his sword, ready incase of any trouble that might include the trying-to-kill-them-all variety.

There was trouble alright, but nothing more life threatening than a broken antique flower vase and a dirty water stain in some ancient embroidered rug that had in theory, been there since the origins of the kingdom.

And standing in the middle of it all was a contrite looking Greta, who appeared just as surprised by the incident as the rest of them. Conrad swept her up quickly, out of the way of any loose shards that might cut her.

“Greta, what happened?” Yuuri asked, and checked her over anyway.

“We were playing!” Greta told him.


“Me and Yachiru!”


He blinked.

Conrad coughed. “Her um… her…” he leaned over to whisper into the young king’s ear, low enough that the little girl in his arms couldn’t hear, “imaginary friend.”

“Oh! Yachiru! Of course,” Yuuri realized, playing off of Conrad’s cue admirably well.

Gwendal sighed, and motioned servants over. “Please get this mess cleaned up,” he said, sensibly.

“Yes, yes, before the stale water smell sets into the rug,” Gunter fretted, sending said servants scrambling.

“Yachiru says she’s sorry, everyone,” Greta informed them after a moment. “But I’m just telling you because she says no one else can see her.”

Yuuri laughed a little at that, awkwardly. This seemed like one of those parental moments where he had to tread cautiously. “Um…that’s very nice of her, Greta…but I think it’s important that you know that you need to be more careful when you’re playing, especially in these old hallways, okay?”

She looked indignant. “I know that already!”

He looked like he was in a bit of spot on that one. “Er…that is, I’m just saying…”

“I think what Yuuri is trying to say is that as the host here, you should have reminded yourself-as well as Yachiru-of the rules regarding playing in the castle, hmm?” Conrad offered, gently. “Because if the people who live here don’t remember the rules themselves, how can we expect those who don’t to remember them as well?”

Greta looked properly apologetic at that, prompting the young king to send a silent look of relieved thanks over her shoulder to Conrad. “Sorry, everyone! We’ll be more careful… sometimes Yachiru gets excited since she’s not used to seein’ so many fancy things,” she said, as the servants moved in to begin cleaning up the mess.

Yuuri cleared his throat a little bit at that too, because while he appreciated a healthy imagination, there had to be a lesson learned from this incident. It only seemed right. “Ur…well, just remember to be more careful, okay, Greta? It’s good that you weren’t hurt but in the end there’s still some trouble caused for everyone else… like the people who have to clean up these things,” he told her, motioning to the servants and doing his best to sound stern.

She pouted at his glaring omission. “But it wasn’t just me, Yuuri!”

He backtracked, quickly. “Well what I mean is… you know, since no one else can see Yachiru people will probably think…”

Everyone stared at him-a clear “wrong thing to say” moment. Greta looked hurt.

“They won’t believe me?”

“It’s not that! I just…er…”

Conrad smiled gently and put a hand on her shoulder. “Sometimes it’s just very hard for people to believe in what they can’t see for themselves, Greta.”

She frowned. “So you all don’t think Yachiru’s real?”

A beat.

“But she is! She’s got pink hair and she works as a shinigami and she’s really fast! Sometimes she comes to play with me when she’s bored and Ken-chan won’t take her out to play ‘cuz he wants to fight instead.”

The adults shared a look.

“What a strong imagination,” Gunter murmured admiringly, low enough so only Gwendal could hear.

“Mm,” Gwendal grunted noncommittally, and looked like he had a headache.

Greta appeared visibly distressed however, and turned to someone off to the side, who was, apparently, perched on Yuuri’s shoulder.

“Yachiru, you gotta do something, okay?” she said. “They don’t believe you’re here!”

She was silent for a moment thereafter, seemingly listening to a response. Her expression fell. “You can’t?”

Yuuri and Conrad shared a look.

Greta sighed. “I get it…” She looked absolutely heartbroken. “She says she can’t on account of normal people supposed to be going on with their normal lives while the shinigami work. Only special people can see her.”

“That’s…very mature of her,” Conrad offered, gently.

No one knew what else to say.

Luckily Murata strolled by then-engrossed in a fascinating dusty old tome-- and passing the group clustered in the hallway he paused to take in the scene. “Oh. Hello again, Yachiru,” he said, and directed it to the very place Greta had been speaking to a moment ago.

He turned back to his book and walked on.

A beat.

Then Gwendal sighed. “I’m going back to work.”

He left.

“But Gwendal! Gwendal you promised me you would help me select new draperies for the east wing! Gwendal!!”

Gunter promptly forgot their invisible guest and moved to give chase. Clearly draperies were very, very important.

Yuuri and Conrad watched them go. Turned back to Greta.

“Well. Carry on then,” Conrad said, and set Greta back on the ground with a gentle pat of the head.

“Right,” Yuuri agreed, quickly. He turned to his shoulder, “it was uh... very nice to meet you, Yachiru.”

They hurried off.

Greta and Yachiru looked after them as they retreated.

“Sorry about that,” Greta said to her friend after a moment. “Sometimes the adults I live with are weird.”

Yachiru laughed and hugged the other girl happily. “It’s okay! They’re funny! You should see the weird ones I live with!”



greta, gwendal, murata, gunter, kyou kara maou, bleach, yuuri, yachiru, conrad

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